
IB program help???????

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I am going to be a freshman and I'm going to be in the IB program, I've been in the discovery.G.T program since 3rd grade but I know the IB program is harder. I was wondering how much hmwk u get and how hard it is and how to manage your time so you can do clubs and plays and sports.






  1. Your freshman year is pretty easy. Teachers are really nice, and really help you get through the workload.

    My tips:

    1. Join at least 3 clubs. Join one that is academic related e.g., a French club. It will help you so much in class! Join another that has to do with one of your hobbies or interests e.g. Recycling club. Make the last one something that sounds interesting, but is unfamiliar to you.

    At my school, most clubs meet at lunch. You get eat your lunch and meet at the same time, and the club advisers sometimes bring in pizza for everyone.

    Since clubs only meet about once a week, even if they meet in the afternoon, they are really easy to manage. Most meetings only last about an hour or so, so it usually doesn't take out much time from your study schedule.

    Clubs also allow you to miss meetings. A lot of kids I know only go to about half of their club meetings, then just catch up on what happened from friends.

    2. Plays and sports require more time. I wouldn't do a play and a sport in the same season (for example, cross country and the fall play).

    Otherwise, they are a great use of time. They let you have fun, so when you get home, your ready to study.

    When I did track and field, I would drill myself on history facts while I jumped the hurdles. I can concentrate better when I'm moving, so it worked out well.

    3. The IB program gives you a lot of work (about 3 hrs of homework a night). Manage your time well. I have the following study schedule:

    3:30-5:00 Things that are due the next day

    5:00-5:30 Work on long term projects

    7:00-7:30 Study for upcoming tests

    4. Teachers expect you to do all of the work. In freshman year, they're more concerned that you do all of the work rather than do it all correctly. A lot of teachers make sure you did the work, then allow you to correct it to be right. Most teachers don't care if things aren't absolutely correct.

    So, if you're cramped for time, try to do as much as you can as quickly as possible.

    5. Study for tests! IB teachers love tests. Most of your grade will probably depend on tests. Spend more time studying for tests than you did in middle school.

    Good luck in the IB program! I love it, and I hope you do, too!

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