ICC appoints Alan Isaac as Vice President in haphazard manner
The International Cricket Board (ICC) finally decides to give the post of Vice President to former Chairman of http://www.senore.com/Cricket/New-Zealand-c754 cricket (NZC) Alan Isaac.
The ICC President Sharad Pawar confirmed the appointment on the 9th of August, 2010. “I am delighted to announce that Alan Isaac’s nomination for the role of ICC vice-president was unanimously endorsed by ICC executive board and the full ICC council, by circular resolution, has also approved the recommendation of the board”, Pawar said. “I am looking forward to working with Alan as we now set out to continue improving the ICC’s image and reputation. I know that Alan is a highly respected cricket administrator, having contributed people would say that and significantly to NZC as well as the ICC”.
http://www.senore.com/Cricket/Haroon-Lorgat-c61719, Chief Executive of ICC added “Alan is determined to build context and content in the future Tours Programme for international cricket while maintaining the primacy of the ICC global events”. Isaac was pleased for the extended honour and said, “Serving our great sport at international level and protecting the primacy of the international cricket”.
One feels that all is good at ICC and the future is in safe hands. Only one week back news that, the ICC Vice President’s job appointment is delayed till 31st August, 2010, was circulating. Isaac was in fact the third nominee for the job.
Former Chairman of NZC http://www.senore.com/Cricket/John-Anderson-c67288 was the first choice. Anderson Chaired NZC for 13 years from 1995 to 2008 and also represented New Zealand on the ICC board.
Second to Anderson was the former Australian Prime Minister (PM) John Howard. Howard was the initial selection of the NZC and Cricket http://www.senore.com/Cricket/Australia-c746 (CA). But the former PM was rejected by the Executive Board of ICC, for undisclosed reasons.
The ICC Vice President was chosen by two countries on the basis of the international rotation system. Whoever gets the appointment would be in line for the ICC President seat in 2012. This is where Isaac told the press a month ago “in the light of the ICC’s rejection of the nomination of John Howard, I approached Sir John Anderson to assess his availability for the role”. Isaac added, “Unfortunately, Sir John advised me that he is not available to be considered as a possible nominee”.
Later when Isaac was asked to step in for the job he responded to the opportunity by telling the press on Saturday 7th August, 2010 “I do not feel like second or third pick and if you talk to anyone who knows me, I am not a puppet, I am my own person”. He added, “ I can understand why people would say that and like John Howard it’s a little frustrating that countries were not specific about why they did support John”.
Thus, it does raise concerns and questions about Isaac getting appointed on the 9th of August, 2010, when he himself was making such statements about ICC and the entire hiring procedure. One might find it to be a little confusing that the Chairman of NZC recommends a person for the Vice President post to ICC.
It is hard to comprehend why Isaac’s refusal for the post came about two days before his appointment? Even though, he made it pretty clear that he would not take the post since it did not compliment his personality and that he was not a puppet. ICC delayed the next nominee till 31st August, 2010, and they announced Isaac as the newly appointed Vice President by the 9th of August, 2010.
Confusingly, ICC slowed down the hiring of the Vice President since it was concerned about its image and reputation and then rushed into a decision. It is only time which would be able to answer all queries of the cricketing world. One can only hope that whatever happens, it happens for the best for ICC and the game itself.