
ICE water?

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the ice -nutrient enhanced artesian spring water has green tea extract in it. does that mean that it is tea? is it okay for mormons to drink it?




  1. no caffiene in green tea so its ok for mormons to drink

  2. i say throw care to the wind    enjoy

  3. yes it is tea  and anyone can drink it.

  4. It's ok to do anything are you living in the usa? its called freedom

  5. Mormons can't drink tea?

    No, it doesn't mean that it is tea, it means it has the flavors and nutritional benefits of tea... basically, it was made from tea.

  6. Ofcourse it is, tea is a plant. Green tea is also a powerful anti-oxident.

  7. Joseph Smith.

  8. Hmm.. can mormons not drink green tea? if not then I am in some trouble ;)

  9. Who the heck is actually a mormon

  10. Tea, includeing grean tea, is made by grinding up the leaves of the tea plant and steeping them in hot water. Basically letting them sit in it and it will permiate throughout the water.

    Some extracts are used from tea plants for other things. It does not necessarily mean they come from the leaves though. You would have to know more about the specific product. I am unaware of the one you are referring too.

    Why would it matter to mormons anyhow? Are they like Jewish, or Mormon, and other religions where they have to have a Kosher, Hala or some special diet? I just thought they were another branch off of Christianity.
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