
ID Cards?? A Big Brother State ??

by  |  earlier

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How comes nobody seems to know that the government is still planning to go ahead with this scheme as of next year. We already have passports with chis in them so whats the need of having an id card. I dont think that these cards are to prevent terrorism as they claim- but only to be used as a tool of power.Anybody else here who agrees or disagrees with the ID cards, i'd like to hear you opinions on them.

Also what do you think the government would do with people who refuse to have ID. Do you think it would be like an Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo Bay situation or something?




  1. Even paranoid people have enemies.  There is no government plan to have a national ID card.  And, BTW, my passport has no chips in it.  Instead, the current project calls for uniform standard for states to issue drivers licenses and ID cards for those who apply for them.  The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that while a cop can, under some circumstances, demand that a suspect identify himself, that does not include that the person produce any sort of identity card.  It merely means tell the cop who you are.  Try to keep up.  

  2. Big brother is in full effect, even in your license plates.  I don't agree w/this or the ID card (and driver's license),.  There's no law that says you have to have an ID card  but you do need proof of who you are to purchase things.  Unless you can do all cash all the time there is no way to avoid some proof of documention.  So it appears we are w/o hope of being monitored at all times.

  3. what is the big deal?  I cannot go to a store etc and usemy debit card, charge card, etc w/o showing id. A national id card would just make it easier for me to cash a check, etc when I am out of town.

  4. Sounds like you are a bit paranoid.  Dozens of countries have ID cards.  Those that don't have some sort of equivalent, like passports or driver's licenses, that are used in place of ID cards.  

    You need to have a way of establishing your identity.  If you don't, it makes your life more difficult.

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