
ID and analyze the social, political, religious and economic patterns that developed in the american colonies?

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please someone give me more details pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase




  1. Well the American Colonies never had an actual economy nor they had much political freedom because of course Britain controlled U.S.A. I'm not sure about the religion back then I think it was Puritan (same thing as Christian but they believed in being purer than others)

    I don't much about their social lives back then, just with there was the freedom side, for the British side, and neutrals.  Patriots killed the colonials who believed in British rule and vice versa.  And both parties pressured and eventually killed the neutrals to join them.

    It's after they defeated the British and started their own congress that their Religion and Economy flourished.  And political "revolution" need I say more?

    Take a look at a History website and/or book for more info

  2. do your own homework

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