
IDEAS: What place best fits my honeymoon criteria (read details)?

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going on my honeymoon in early June, would like a place where I can surf but I'm not into the typical honeymoon spots, i.e. Hawaii or Bahamas, inexpensive- between $2500-3500 (not including airfare) for at least 5 days, adventurous yet still romantic, great cuisine, great sightseeing. What do you suggest???




  1. How about the USVI.  St. Thomas would be a great base and you could visit other islands, like St. Johns etc.

    Don't even need a passport if you are from the US

  2. I'd say where I went to college-good ol Santa Barbara,CA.Santa Barbara has one of the world's best climates. In June, it's always dry except for occasional mist and fog from the ocean. It's almost never hot or humid. It's in the pleasant 70s in June and in the 50s to low 60s at night. I never surfed, but surfing is very popular there.Santa Barbara is a vary expensive place to live, but you can stay at a nice place there easily on the price range you stated.In terms of sightseeing, Santa Barbara is a gorgeous city both by nature and by man.It's located between the ocean and mountains.Much of the architecture is Spanish colonial.If you go, check out The Mission and Courthouse! Santa Barbara has one of the nicest downtowns I've ever been to-right along State Street, which has a lot of good shops and resztaurants. The zoo,natural history museum, and botanical garden are all nice.Also, check out UCSB where I went to school.It's a beautiful campus.Add to the fact Santa Barbara is clean,safe,friendly, and varied and you have yourself a nice vacation spot! And if you can afford it, a great place to live! I really miss it! John

  3. San Franciso


    San Diego

    Baha Mexico

    Ensanada, Mexico

    Edit: You can take a carnival cruise leaving from Long Beach, stopping in San Diego for a full day, Ensanada, and then Cabo san Lucas. The trips are really enexpensive.

    We did it just as a family vacation and not including airfare and spending money for tours, we only spent about $450 per person and all meals on ship are free including room service.

    Congrats and have fun!

  4. You need to check out Adventure Brat they have lots of Adventure Honeymoons including Fiji and Costa Rica right from the travel provider so you always get the best price.

    just do some searches on the site.

    Here is a link to check out the Costa Rica Honeymoons

    and here's the link for fiji trips... also just search what your interested in they have 1000s of adventure trips.

    Hope this helps

  5. Costa Rica - easy to get to, fairly inexpensive - great resorts and excellent surfing (on the West Coast) and tame on the East Coast

  6. How about Yalta in Ukraine, eastern Europe,  Not sure about the surfing part.  But definately not the typical honeymoon spot and it is gorgeous!

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