
IDo you believe in spirits? Why do I keep waking up and cant breath nor move?

by Guest57831  |  earlier

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So sometimes when I go to sleep and I wake up and I cant move nothing on my body, I cant breath it feels as if I'm dying and I pray to God please don't let me die,it last for about 10 seconds or so but it feels like the longest 10 seconds of your life. I know most people call if sleep-paralysis but I think it's something much more. Also once I woked up out of my sleep and this red glow of light was coming toward me but I wasn't scared in fact it made me feel happy for some reason and I reached out for it and it flowed away form me and went under my bed so I looked down and my bed skirt was blowing and then I fell back 2 sleep. Also once me and my little nephew was in my moms room watching a scary movies and my blinds open slightly and closed again and then made a loud sound as if someone punched the blinds with their hand NOW THIS FREAKED US OUT and we had to leave our apartment and wait outside until my mom came home. I nevered really believe in ghost until this stuffed happened




  1. The first part of your question,sounds like your spirit was out traveling,and you woke up before returning to the body,which is called sleep paralysis.

    This shows how without the spritual force,one cannot move.

    Only blink the eyes is about it.

    The thing with the red eyes,part of a lucid dream(or seeing with your spiritual eye ).  You mention going back to sleep again,major clue,and without getting upset and freaking out.

    The third part sounds like you were so freaked out watching a horror movie,that a storm going on outside,or the dog barking,or anything would have made your hair stand up on end.

    Stop watching those things full of fear.

    The other side is not meant to be scary.

    Now you're paranoid and think that a ghost is haunting your home?

    No wonder,with everything that you mentioned.

    Think of pleasant things before you go to bed,with a peaceful mind.

    No fear.

  2. I'm trying to get some answers for you about the  red balls of light (which people on here have seen also)...but I accidentally put it on the Parapsychology Section. So..please check the answers for my question  on that section.  It might take awhile to get some answers.I'll send you a link to it..but there won't be any answers yet.;...

  3. Sleep paralasis. If you halluncinate when you cant move, thats what it is.

  4. I just strangle the ghostlys right back~like they DESERVE!

    When they 'choke' me w/their spirity type seethru hands, I envision them being aLIVE, then spiritually, and physically place me bare hands around their pathetic weak throats and press down, watching the boobly eyes of theirs boggle around, then the ghost finally faints. I watch the apparition fade away into the floor.

  5. It is a combination of two things, neither of which are spiritual, but as with anything else in life, praying can help a lot. However God does help those who help themselves, so you should seek treatment from a doctor as well as praying.

    - One is called "Sleep Paralysis", I have experienced it often. It is often times a result of stimulant abuse, or training your mind in lucid dreaming. Often when this occurs you may hallucinate and see things because you are still in a dream state, although your body is awake. This is like the opposite of a lucid dream. Sleep paralysis usually does not last for more than a 5 to 10 minuets, and other than stressful, is not dangerous.

    - The other is "Sleep Apnea", this can be dangerous, and even deadly. You should see a doctor about this, and pray about it as well. You could actually stop breathing in your sleep, but it is good that most people who suffer from it awaken.

    However your sleep paralysis combined with it makes it especially dangerous due to the fact that you may not be able to control breathing during this 5 to 10 minuet period. I can not say if there are spirits in your house or not, but they are not causing this, even if you happen to think you see ghosts during the time you can not move, I am assuming they fade away with in that 5 to 10 minuet window. I suggest you see a doctor and get checked for sleep apnea so that you can be treated for it. Good luck, and God bless!

  6. You may want to consult a sleep study facility.

    If you're not getting enough oxygen during sleep (sleep apnea) then the oxygen you do have will go to the main organs, causing your arms and legs to feel useless.

    If anyone had been in your room and were looking out of the blinds, then when the blinds would fall back into place that would cause the long banging sound.

    Sorry kid. I think the scary movies got to you.

  7. Sorry, you aren't special enough to have your very own disorder.  You are experiencing sleep paralysis just like everyone else who has it.

  8. There is one of two possibilities here.

    1) There IS a ghost in the house, but obviously not a threatning one.  My guess is either it was s******g with you and your nephew because you were watching a movie that they didn't like, personally, or they were just having fun because you are.

    2) You are having "Hag Dreams," because you are under a lot of stress and pressure.  They have conducted studies that have proven that people have these dreams most often during those times, and my own experinces have also went along those exact same lines.  Often during these dreams, movement is limited and you are seeing certain things because you are still in the dream state although you are moving or trying to, much like sleep walking.

    As for the sleep apnea.  These types of experinces are not often reported as related to those that have this sleep disorder.  Most people who have sleep apnea may not know, but during the day they suffer from feelings of exhaustion and tiredness, i.e. you don't wake up feeling rested.  You may stop breathing when you are asleep, but you don't have a waking moment feeling "paralyized," you just start breathing again after a given amount of time from seconds to minutes.

    However not all people who's breathing slows down during sleep or even stops have sleep apnea.  For almost an hour every night, usually an hour or so before I wake up, my blood pressure drops off a lot, my pulse rate slows dramatically, and my breathing barely registers.  However, I do not have a form of sleep apnea, the docter's said it is more of a medatative state of sleep than anything and since I have done it my entire life and am in EXCELLENT health there is no medical concerns.  I just have to make sure hospital staff are area of this if I stay in overnight.

    Try dropping the sugars and caffine at night, about two hours before bed, and RELAX for 45 mins before bed.  This will help with the stresses of the day and you won't have as many "episodes" ghost or not.  I have found that a cup of herbal tea before bed especially for sleep helps out a lot.

  9. Sometimes when people are going through tough times in their life, they can be visited by an angel. When this happens you feel completely paralysed but you dont feel scared and you feel a weird sensation as if you are being hugged.

  10. You might have sleep paralysis, an orb was what you saw.

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