
IE freezes when logging into my yahoo account, can log in with a different account on same computer?

by  |  earlier

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IE freezes up only when using the main sign in for my account, can not browse, yahoo toolbar does not load, totally locks up browser have to shut down with task manager, can use sub accts or friends accts on same computer and they work fine?




  1. Did you install the new Yahoo Beta and also the IE7?  There are many glitches that they are working on.  It would be best to delete both of these programs until they are perfected.

  2. download mozilla fire fox

    google it

  3. There was a problem with some of the older Yahoo Toolbars that has been fixed now - sounds like this problem may be a symptom. If you're still seeing it, uninstall your Yahoo Toolbar from Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and the problem will most likely go away.

    If you like the toolbar and want to keep it around, upgrade to the latest version (click the yellow download button on and it should work fine.

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