
IEP, anxiety, LD and accommodations.?

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I am in tenth grade and I have an IEP for Learning disabilities (reading, writing, spelling, computation, organisation) and ADHD. The accomodations that are on my IEP and that I am currently receiving are:

-Computer for written assignments and tests with text to speech software

-Photocopied notes from another student or the teacher

-Aloud to write in the text booklet, even when others are

-Learning strategies for organisation skills, note talking, proof reading and expressive writing.

I am also aloud to write an exam in the Learning Centre at my school if I would like, but they are aloud to help me in any way, and I do not receive extra time.

I am still struggling alot. Is there anything else I am qualified for?

I was recently diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I was wondering if I am qualified for IEP accomodations because of that? What I really need is extra time and perhaps the opportunity to get up and walk around the room when I am writing exams.




  1. You need to tell your teacher that your still having problems, if the teacher won't listen to you then you need to talk to the pricipal, if the pricipal won't listen, then you need to talk to the one who is head of your school district.

    Since you are your own advocate, your gonna need to do a lot of talking to get the extra help.

  2. As a member of your own IEP team you need to speak to the case manager of your case and tell them that you would like to hold a new meeting. It would benefit you to speak with your guidance counselor or school psychologist to help decide what mods would be most beneficial to you on your IEP. Good Luck!

  3. If you are attending a public school and have an been identified to receive Special Education Services, which it sounds like you do,  accommodations and modifications is based upon your disabilities, the case manager that handles your IEP is the one that selects the modifications and accommodations, your parent or guardian have legal rights to help in decisions when the the IEP is written.  Extra time can be checked, however there are different procedures in taking a state test then a district test. I suggest you seek out an advocate to assist you with your needs.  I hope this answer you question.

  4. I suggest that you call for a new IEP immediately. Extra time and allow legitimate movement are two very common accommodations on many IEP's.

    As far as the anxiety disorder is concerned, this may be related to the ADHD, which tends to magnify anxiety. You may be a candidate for medication.

    However, no matter how independent you are, you still need a guardian adult to sign papers and allow medications. Consider the Guardian Ad Liteum program in your city. These are volunteers who work on behalf of a child whose parents either are not around or not capable of parenting.

  5. I would add a 3-5 minute break every 20-30 minutes.   I would also allow you to have time and half (instead of 60 minutes, give you 90 minutes).  

    These are often accommodations that university would allow.  

    I would definetely ask for a complete psychological testing and educational evaluation if you haven't had one since high school.  You absolutely have to have one in the last three years for college to accept these accommodations.  Do not tell the IEP team this.  The school system is not required to pay for this.  Your reasoning is.. you want to plan for college and part of that will using those scores to help you decide and make sure everything in your file is current and accurate.

  6. You are only recieving 'modifications' and 'accomodations' for your problems.

    These do NOT teach you HOW to read and write better, they only help you to cope with NOT knowing how to read and write.

    What is the school doing (thru the IEP plan) to teach you HOW to read, write, spell, computation, etc?

    With an IEP the school is suppose to be teaching you HOW to write, read, do all these things BETTER and NOT just to COPE with NOT reading and writing at all.

    It is THEIR JOB to TEACH you HOW to do these things, not to help you COPE with NEVER doing these things.

  7. I say take your documentation of your anxiety disorder and ask for the testing accommodations you would like.   It sounds like you may be considered LD and maybe Other Health Impaired.  If you have the OHI label, it should be a piece of cake.  If not, it make take a reeval.  Talk to your special education teacher and ask her to schedule a new IEP meeting for you.

    It's important for you to get these accommodations before you take the SAT's!  If you go to college, they have to abide by the IEP you leave high school with, so get it taken care of now!

    You are a very industrious student for caring so much about your success.  Congrats to you!

  8. witht he adhd and axienty I dont know why you wouldnt be allowed a few extra min to be added also the break thing would be good too... reset yourself go and talk to them and see what they would be willing to do...

  9. i never had a case worker because my interview about my iep was with my teachers and my father

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