
IEP Acting Weird?

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I'm in a 9th grade IEP class for bad students it seems....They keep telling me if i behave good i can get out of there. There are 2 kids who got out when they're mom told the IEP that they wanted they're kids out of IEP and they got out. My teacher tells me that i don't belong down there and I'm not sure how i would get out.... Does anybody have any ideas to help me with this?




  1. Behavior is very much a reason to be in special ed -- if the child has a behavior disorder.  Your comment about your teacher reveals what I would guess to be the reason you are self-contained.  It's not appropriate to refer to a teacher as an a........le.

    If your mother agrees that she does not want you  in special ed any more, there is a process to follow.  It is possible that it is time for you to be retested for any qualifying disability anyway.  Your mom can request an IEP meeting at any time, but it is the entire team that makes a final decision.

    If you want to earn your way out of special ed, you need to do all of the school work that is assigned to you, improve your attitude and your behavior -  pay particular attention to your mouth -- and gain control of yourself.

    When you behave well in regular classes, you show that you are mature enough to associate with all of your classmates.

    Set goals.  Ask your teachers for advice.  Keep track of your progress.  

    Good luck

  2. Maybe the bad behavior comes from the way teachers are behaving.  Good grades, good behavior, try your best, good advice coming from the teacher.  I think that would work well for teachers also.  If you can't get out of spec. ed ask your mom to retest you, out of the school by someone privately.  Call the board of ed. and they can tell you if the school is suppose to pay.

  3. Your parents can take you out of the special education classes. All they have to do is set up an IEP meeting. Have the teacher that doesn't believe that you belong to attend this meeting as well. It is also highly unusual that you are in a special education class all day; most schools use inclusion, where the special ed. teacher comes to your regular classroom. Behavior is not a reason to place a child in special ed.

  4. No, you cannot get out of special education just because your parent requests it.  The determination that you have a handicapping condition (sounds like an emotional or behavioral disorder from your description) and need special education entitles you to that service.  Once your parent has consented to your initial placement or IEP, that right belongs to you and cannot be taken from you at your parent's request.  And you can't make the request until you are of legal age.  I suggest that you talk to your counselor or administrator.  If you are in a special class all day there should be a good reason for it.  If you don't know what that reason is, ask for an explanation.  Maybe you could even ask to read your evaluation and your IEP.
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