
IEP for a 9 yr old with ADHD/depression?

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My daughter has ADHD as well as depression which affects every aspect of her life. She does very well on standardized academic testing, however is floundering in her classes. Can anyone give examples of what a parent can ask for in regard to the IEP, and any suggestions for additional resources will be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. dont do it

  2. you could ask for time with a counselor

    like, 30 minutes each week with a counselor to touch base with her on how things are going or to discuss any concerns she has

    im not sure what you mean by floundering... is she just slacking off or struggling with certain classes?

    if she is having trouble completing assignments you can request that each teacher write her daily assignment in an assignment book

    think of what needs she has and request things that could help her resolve those issues

  3. even with IEP's its easy for the public school system to lose a child in the process.  i had my son in all the right pre school to deal with his adhd all the way from there to his graduation from high school.  even after all those meetings and psych appts. ritilin till he was 13, i made a deal with him that if he grad 8th grade he didnt have to take it anymore. in high school he did fine. in grammer school he could not do PE cause it was to wide open, he did better in smaller settings.. there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  4. the IEP!!! Individualized Education Plan....

    im very familar.pardon my spelling, but more imprortant your daughter. NEVER sign the IEP without asking your partner,your parents your friends, ANYONE

    that knows her well. sometimes its hard as parents to decide whats right when we have the presures of the teachers and facultie on our case and telling us whats best for our

    child. YOU tell them what YOU want and

    NEVER sign the IEP(at first) put everythining on a probational period.

    examples on for iep. you can ask for ANYTHING. believe me you dont sign that

    and call for a meeting at first they will meet you half way.put whatever it is on a probational period. if your still not satisfied

    they will meet you all the from MA

    and they are REQUIRED to meet all needs

    of the child. just  NEVER sign. here in MA there are check boxes at the end of the IEP

    1- I accept the IEP in full

    2- I accept the IEP eccept for -----

    this is where you wright down your view of what you want differnt,


    3- i reject the IEP and request a meeting

    there are also FREE advocates and lawers

    that the school will give you, if not or you dont want to cause a stink, if you fully reject the IEP, they have to post it to the school system and they will send you a full folder

    of names and numbers of free and cheep

    avacates and layers. i hope i could help.

    ...i wish you luck

    and wish you ALL happy days

    if there is anything eles i can answer please

    feel free.unfortunantly been there done that.


  5. You should really evaluate your parenting skills if your child is having so many problems with life at such an early age. There will be trials and tribulations in life and she will need to deal with them. Drugs are not the answer, neither is trying to shelter her from the world as it is, she will be a basket case afraid to face adversity if you keep this up. Sorry for the bluntness, but you need to change your approach while there is still time.

  6. why is it years ago no one had ADHD or even really depression. suddenly doctors came up with some great excuse to be disruptive and the child is allowed to act that way. get over it. spank a butt and itll be fine

  7. if she does better with 1 on 1, you can request that in the iep, my son has a 1 on 1 teacher's aid, in addition to the regular class teacher, also for her depression, you can request that she see the school psychologist on a weekly basis, to help with her emotional needs.

  8. Suggest reading "Delivered From Distraction", getting a general practitioner or psychiatrist that specialises in ADHD. Also, www.about

    The condition can be treated and people can lead successful, fulfilling lives. I have it and aloso have 4 university degrees & 3 professions etc. (Einstein, Edison, Churchill, Branson, Amelia Earhardt, Ansel Adams have or had it and many others. (probably Benjamin Franklin too).

    ADHD is a real condition and can now be diagnosed objectively, & is lifelong. Forget malice, laziness, & wilfulness, it just appears that way.

    Medication, behaviour therapy, coaching, IEP, and counselling can work wonders.

    Good luck.

    Doc. Dan.

    Some of the answers here are, sadly, unscientific-earnest belief; and one, in particular, is vicious.

    Please check about, it is loaded with many ivaluable articles on ADD & ADHD. Also, consult an attny. or legal aid, (University and public), in order to find out what rights & entitlements that you have, legally. Some schoolboards are so cash strapped that they will do anything to deflect & avoid expending $  & resources to help your child. As soon as a lawyer is added to the mix you gain instant respect & now usually get serious co-operation. Depression is a common co-morbidity to ADHD.  The ADDheredity component is 60%. The highest of any neurological disorder. (it runs in families big time).And yes folks, there are measurable.neurotransmitter irregularities in the brains of ADD/ADHD people

  9. I am assuming that your child is getting her first IEP.

    The biggest issue that will come before you is educational relevance. Since your child does well on academic tests, there is a very good chance that she may not qualify for special education due to a lack of discrepancy between ability and achievement. Even though the new IDEA does not require a discrepancy, most districts are way behind in implementing the features of this new law.

    Should it be determined that your child with ADD is handicapped for purposes of Section 504 and needs only adjustments in the regular classroom, rather than special education, those adjustments are required by Section 504. A range of strategies is available to meet the educational needs of children with ADD. Regular classroom teachers are important in identifying the appropriate educational adaptations and interventions for many children with ADD.

    If your child does qualify for special education services, it will probably be under the categories of Other Health Impaired or Emotionally Disturbed.

    I suggest you go to It is a wonderful site and will answer almost all your questions about legality and special education.

  10. You and your child have every right to attend IEP meeting. Your child's teacher/teacher's will be there, along with the principal and if you want, the school social worker.  There should be at least one social worker from Social Services in attendance as well if you have a case worker regarding your daughters special education.

    If you have been involved with Social Services regarding special education for your child, that social worker should be present.   She/he knows the case history of your child and can add additional needs that will help your child better cope with school, help with the scheduling of classes and what her personal needs are.  If this is not the case you can attend the meeting alone or bring anyone you want to for your support which could be your mother, sister, brother, cousin.

    There's nothing to be nervous about.  It's the teacher, principal, yourself and daughter and those you choose to bring for your support to set you at ease.

    This meeting is regarding a program that has been put into place that better suits your daughters education.

    If you have any questions about anything you don't understand you ask for further explanation.  If you don't agree about the plan or scheduling, you let them know what you don't agree on.  These are your rights, after all this is your daughter they are talking about.  If you feel the need take notes do it.  You could also put some questions on paper that you might want to ask them the night before.

    I have attended at least two meetings to support my daughter regarding her daughter (my grand daughter) with ADD and depression and few other things thrown in.  I even said a few things that I thought were needed to be said.  My grand daughter was also present at all IEP meetings.  My daughter has been working with Social Services regarding all this.  It's up to them to see that the school is doing what they are supposed to be doing regarding the IEP.

    If your daughter has been seeing a doctor about her depression and her ADD is would be great if he/she could also attend.  They're busy people so is usually hard for them to attend these meetings.

    Social Services or other related services are available to you. Give them a call and they will give you directions to the proper agency's you may want use.

    I would keep in close contact with your daughter's special education teachers to keep on top of things and any progress being made.  You can send notes along with your daughter or phone and leave message for teacher to call you when he/she had time like after school.

    That's about it.  Bring your mom or a good friend with you.  You don't have to go it alone.    Best Wishes.

  11. Talk to her doc about these problems

  12. An IEP is Individualized Education Program. It basically is a plan that sets goals specifically for your child academically. At her IEP meetings, the teacher, principal and any specialty teacher she is seeing will go over what they want your child to accomplish for the year. You have the right to respond to any goal you don't agree on, and you are free to comment on what is said. Say one of the teachers suggests your daughter be taken out of class for the reading segment so she can have one on one with a reading specialist, and you don't agree with it, you can voice why and give suggestions. Depending on what is available, they may or may not concede to your wishes. IEPs are meant to help teachers out to ensure your child receives instruction to fit her individual academic needs.

  13. Within the IEP there will be accommodations..which allow your daughter to use notes, have extened time for test or homework, have directions repeated to her

    The parent and teacher need to have a clear understanding of your daughters strengths as well as weakness

    If you have any questions.please feel free to ask me..I know about legal rights of an IEP

    I have an IEP myself and Iam also resreaching special education for a high school project

  14. I currently work in special education and often parents who feel unprepared or overwhelmed by the IEP process will seek out an advocate for their child.  An advocate is someone who knows the child and knows the IEP process and assists the parents in making sure every aspect of their child's needs are met.  I would suggest that you look into finding an advocate for your daughter.

    If you are unable to find an advocate due to shortage in time, I would suggest you see what the district presents at the IEP.  If you feel their goals/benchmarks and methods for her apply or seem reasonable you can accept what they are offering in the IEP.  If for any reason after that initial IEP has been put in place, you feel your child's needs have changed or the methods are not working you may request that you meet again to reevaluate the goals and methods to see if you can agree on a better plan.  

    I would recommend you give the initial IEP at least 1 quarter before you decide to hold another meeting and change it, since children often need time to adjust and become use to a new way of doing things.

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