
IEP for me is stupid...?

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I only go twice a week to some retarded class room just because I am getting some low grades...yeah okay...

But the classroom is obnoxious and is distracting due to all the "dumb" kids talking and blabbering out....I dont need IEP...its stupid...I dont get any help on tests from IEP....It doesnt help me out at all!!! It is soooo dumb!




  1. An IEP is an "individualized education plan" and every student under the Special Education umbrella has an IEP; from the lowest scoring student to the gifted student.  Don't think having an IEP means you are stupid or dumber than others.  It means you need help in some or all areas of academics.  Does this class offer you lower level homework and tests to get you up to grade level?  Is it like a tutoring session?  Do you get help in your other classes with an assistant?  You didn't tell us all the details.

    I am a Special Ed. teacher and I have been in classrooms that were disruptive and basically hard for students to learn.  The problem could be the teacher has no classroom management or the students are disclaimed enough.  Does this teacher have assistants to help out?  You are obviously bright enough to ask this question on yahoo so I'm certain you could hold an intelligent conversation with your teacher, principal, and/or parents about this problem.  

    Work with your teachers and do the "stupid" work.  You never know.  It might help you in the long run.  By all means though, stay in school and keep working hard.  You can test out of SPED.  Good luck!

  2. Ok, first of all the other kids in that classroom are not dumb! I am outraged you would act as if you are better than other kids that need help, just as you need.  You should suck up your pride and take the help they are offering, beause the school would not put you in a class like that, if you don't need it.

  3. If you are old enough to be on Yahoo Answers, you are old enough to begin to learn to self-advocate.  That means to think about why you are getting low grades, how you learn best, and what you need to help you suceed in school.  Then, assertively but respectfully ask your teachers for the specific help you need.

    Your IEP should contain the strategies and accomodations you need to help you succeed.  If it doesn't, you need to speak up for yourself (self-advocate) to the child study team, and ask for a new IEP conference, and insist on being a part of it.  Come up with some specific things that you think will help you do better, and explain why the current elements of your IEP are not helping you.  If you approach this maturely (hint: avoid words like dumb and stupid - instead state specifically why this class isn't working for you)  you will probably be surprised at how willing your teachers and other members of the IEP team are work with you.

  4. The fact that you have an IEP  and is getting  low grades in school. means that somehow you needs help.  You need to start focussing on the help that you need in school in order to succeed academically.  The help is being offered by the school to help you achieve your academic goals, you need to focus on how to improve your goals.  

    Your classmates are not "dumb" nor are you.  Everyone learns differently providing the right environment.  Just because you are in Special education do not means that you are no less different than your other classmates in regular ed.  You are still the same guy inside out.  You are just being provided with a better opportunity to learn at your own pace.  Grab it and take advantage of it.  Good luck!

  5. then get your act together and get tested out otherwise be a big boy and get used to i,t they arent going to change and you need to grow upand show some compassion for others who  already seem smarter than you in areas.

  6. Study harder

  7. Tell your parents that you don't want to be in there anymore. Tell them the school is not helping you.

    Your parents will have to write a letter to district sped director stating they don't want you in special ed anymore.

    And you will be out.

  8. hey don't call any of them kids dumb!kids in school today have many issues,wether its learning,peer pressure or attention span we're placed there for a reason,don't make fun of other kids that have different spectrums than you...sounds to me you just need a tutor to help you on certain class work 3 times a week,privately.i don't think where you we're placed in is what you need.ask your counselor and your parents,for help.

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