
IEP for special education preschool

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Is there anything I should ask for in regards to my son and going to special ed preschool through the local school district? He is going in his second year made huge gains last year but am clueless what to ask for if anytings as his needs seem to being met. He has ADHD and PDD-NOS (He has austic signs but doesn't fit the guidelines. "He is different and we don't know where to put it." from the specialists.




  1. I would just tell them you were happy with last year's progress and would like to keep the same pace.  Ask (if you haven't already) what it is that you can do to help prepare him for kindergarten.  Other than that make contact weekly with the teacher to discuss his progress informally.    

  2. just give them as much info on your son's habits, interests, strengths and weaknesses. don't worry about what is relevant and what isn't. how he likes his shoes tied to what he eats for lunch to how strong his verbal skills are are ALL important when it comes to creating a helpful and challenging program for your child. make sure they have a psychologist evaluate him and that his aid meets your standards.  posibly arrange to send a note book log between you and the aid so they can write down his victories and challenges of the day so you know how your child's day was when they get home. they could also include practice exercises for you to work on at home, is possible. good luck!

  3. Here is a site that you can use for IEP goals it is for Texas I hope it helps  

  4. My 15 year old son Has aspergers and is now in high school mainstream so i know where your at .Important for me was always the ratio of children compared to children and when is a classroom aid going to be added .Meaning here for evrey 7 student a aid has to be added to help the teacher.If not i then as for my son to have a one on one aid.also ask what they teach as far as life skills social skills On top of academics.Lasty ask if its a combined class i never had my son in a class that was strickly for under the Autism umbrella so to say .How is he going to learn mainstream behaviors If all he learns is autistic behaviors.

  5. When they first evaluated your son there had to be needs identified.  You want to make sure that if he has met some of his goals - that the next level is clearly identified and that the IEP specifically addresses those needs.

    For example if a need that was identified was something like - "he constantly takes toys or materials away from other students instead of using his own materials - he needs to undertand asking a peer to use something,"  You would expect that his NEED - asking to use something would be part of the goal statement and that the objectives relate to that goal/need.

    If a need was letter formation - the goal would be related to that and the objectives should all address that.

    It is ALWAYS better to have a statement of what a student 'will do' instead of a student will 'stop doing" .  So using the example above of taking materials - it should be written "instead of taking materials from other peers, Fred will, ask if he can share 2 of 5 attempts as documented by -----.

    You want to avoid statements like "Fred will stop taking materials away from others."  

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