
IEP mtg./annual review in 2 hours-HELP! (at 1pm EST)?

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need quick brainstorming ideas-SO nervous- just leaving this ?open for 2 hours:

middle schooler with asp., high functioning. will ask for aide from district. are aides unobtrusive or stigmatzing? any ideas how to ask for the right type of aide? any other ideas for 504/IDEA accomodations stuff I may not have thought of, like practical ways to ask for non-jerk sensitive teacheror other things comm. shd. know about? have done SO much homework but now afraid I'llforget things to ask for, say. kid has been in BOCEs/special school, will mainstream but not e in incl .program. need to be more articulate, more idea-providing as parent member of team. but easily intimidated. 11th hour last-minute tips sorely needed-thank you SO much anyone..does not have to be applied to asp. per se but middle school ideas, things to put in IEP for kid who's easily misunderstood. trying to get diagnosis OUT of ED and to aspergers PDD per psych. eval., etc. to red. stigma. so far: counseling, class notes. tips?




  1. Sounds like you have done your homework. Don't be afraid to take notes with you. Make a checklist of things you want to make sure are discussed incluidng specific supports or modifications and bring a pencil to check them off when they are discussed.

    I am not sure about specific advice as I am unsure about the type of program, classroom your child is in. Generally at a middle school level if you are taking about an aide in a regular program where a child is changing classroom it is pretty obtrusive and will be harder for the child to make friends and connections with peers. For some of the kids I work with we have aide support push in to difficult classes as support for the whole class to not single the child out but provide more support for our targeted child.

    Also you can always ask to observe classroom or teachers that the school is recommending so you can see whether or not you think the placement, teacher etc. is a good match for your student.

    Make sure the goals fully cover your student's needs because placement and services should be dictated by your child's goals. If they are not getting what they need often times there are goals missing from that part of the IEP.

    Don't sign anything at the meeting if you get nervous or overwhelmed. Ask to take a copy of everything home and re-read it and think about it when you are calm and clear headed before making a final decision.

    Good luck

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