
IEP <span title="accomidation/modification?">accomidation/modification...</span> for 16 year old sophmore?

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i am gunna provide u with as much info as possible so u can better help and understand.


repeated kindergarden, diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and very much possible LD. Some also think I show signs of AS. I AM A VERRRYY HARD WORKER. I try really hard both at home and in the classroom. All i do from assoon as i get home from skool is my homework all the way till around 12 when I go to bed. I have to stay in at break and at lunch almost everyday at skool to finish up things, and as well questions. my reading is well behind around middle school level and takes me such a long time to read. It also takes me an extrordinary amount of time to process information verbally aswell as written. I am a very slow learneer if i learn at all. I am upset from constant feelings of behindness when I try sooooooooooooo hard and staff just dont understand. I am on an IEP wich also states extra time on tests and classwork.


I have a geometry test that i have been working




  1. Extended time means extended time - but the problem is that you are not getting what you need on several levels.  One I would bet that you are NOT an auditory learner - you should have visual models and instructions (lists, pictures etc) You need to have a visual strategy for the steps you need to take to get an assignment done.  You could probably use someone to read to you or have your text books on audio tape so you don&#039;t have to concentrate on the meaning of the words and can replay what you need to.  You may have issues with working memory or processing speed (how fast you can retrieve what you know and apply to new situations.)

    I would expect that your length of assignments could and perhaps should be modified/shortened.

    You are not an efficient learner and over the internet I certainly can&#039;t say why - but sometimes your brain needs some activity to get it going.  When you get home, try this.  jog in place for 5 min, do 10 wall push ups, and 10 jumping jacks - then do your work - do you notice a difference?  If so you need physical activity to get your system up to normal.  To get this at school without looking to out of sync - put leg or wrist weights on when you go from class to class.

    It is possible that you suffer from depression or anxiety so you should get your parents to take you to an MD or phychologist or Psychiatrist.  You may need counseling or some medications.

    Good luck to you - but you need to find someone in your school to talk to about your frustration and work comletion.

  2. Ok first with the time on the test - have a look at your IEP and find out what the deal with tests is. How much longer than average person are you allowed. I&#039;d assume there is a time limit as there is for students who don&#039;t have IEP&#039;s if you go beyond the time limit then any further questions don&#039;t count.

    Secondly do you have an aide or assistant who works with you in class. If you have problems with working from the board and listening at the same time they could be a notetaker for you.

    Also try to get extra help for english either through the school or ask your parents if they can get you a tutor.

    Find out exactly what your IEP saids if your teacher is not going by it then you should meet first with the school. It should be bought up at your next IEP meeting then they may be able to explain to that teacher what your problems are.

    You also need to get yourself tested for LD and As

    If it makes you feel any better your writing skills are quite good.

  3. unless your IEP puts in a time limit- the teacher can&#039;t arbitrarily decide times up-

    if the IEP limits the time-say  you would have 2-3 times as much time as the studnets without IEPs-than that coudl be enforced-

    Ask your case manager to talk to teh teacher about what a reasonable time frame is

  4. Ok, well I think that you should have been given as much time as you needed for your geometry test.  It sounds like you need to have your parents and yourself meet with the IEP team and you need to tell everyone what you need on YOUR IEP.  Every year you get to tell them annually and if you want changes made then that is called an addendum.  You can request an IEP meeting any time that you want one to address something that concerns you.  If you need time until you are done, you ask them to write that in.  If you need a calculator, then you have them write that in.  You have to tell them what it is that is causing your problems as you understand it and what it is they can do to help you remain calm and complete your work.  If you have AS then perhaps they need to allow you to leave the classroom for an alternative setting that is quiet so you can concentrate more.  If you have trouble reading, then perhaps you could request that someone read to you or record the reading for you to listen to.  Also, many books now are on CD, so you could request that.  If you work better on the computer, then you could request those accommodations as well.  I hope I have helped.

  5. You sound really frustrated, and from what you have written I can certainly understand why.  It doesn&#039;t sound like you have any down time at school at all.

    If you have trouble with reading and think you may have a learning disability, then you can request a reevaluation to determine if you have a learning disability.  From what you are saying, it sounds like all you have are accommodations and you are not getting any instruction.  If you cannot read material that is close to grade level and have trouble processing verbal information, then you need time with the intervention specialist to review material that you do not understand.  Even if it is determined that you do not have a learning disability, with your diagnosis of ADHD and anxiety, you should still be eligible for help from the intervention specialist--at least as an &quot;at risk&quot; student.

    As far as extra time for your tests, as others have said extra time means however much time you need.  But it does seem that the amount of time you are required to work on the test to complete it is really excessive.  I would suggest that your assessments need to be structured differently.  It is possible for your teachers to give you a different type of assessment, multiple choice, matching, etc. or just to shorten your tests.  Rather than give you a test, they could give you an oral assessment to see what you have learned.  It sounds like you have trouble taking notes.  Maybe you could try to take notes during class and turn them in at the end of class for a set of teacher&#039;s notes,  it does no good to have notes that are not useful to study from.

    Best of luck at your meeting, and  despite all of the roadblocks,  please keep plugging away and don&#039;t give up!

  6. I work in a public school system and I have a lot of kids with IEPs.  one of the accommodations you should have is decreased paper and pencil tasks (so on a test instead of having 35 questions you should have maybe 15 or so)  since you have an IEP your parents need to make these teachers understand it is a legal document and they have to follow it.

  7. I am a special education teacher and you have a big situation on your hands.  If you have an IEP...that is a LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT that HAS to be followed unless rewritten.  If the IEP states extra time for test, then you should be allowed as much time as it takes you to complete that test.  I have never seen an IEP with extra time limits limited to a certain amount.  I would go to your parents who in turn should go to the director of special education, your LD teacher, the principal and the geometry teacher and request a meeting immedately.  I hope you get the help and support you need.

  8. Without a copy of your IEP I can&#039;t say.  I would read the IEP you should have a copy, if not it is in your file and your parents have a right to see it.  Many regular teachers never see the IEP because the have so many students.  I would check with your resource teacher, they should be handling this for you.  I am a math teacher myself and my husband has ADHD.  I recommend that you look for a job in sales when you grow up, you will find that your disability will be a great asset.  Hang in there.

  9. You would need to look at your IEP to answer your question.  I have never heard of a student being given unlimited extra time...if this were done, then, technically, a student could take a year to finish an assignment.  Generally students are given time and a half (other kids had an hour, you get 90 minutes) or double time.

  10. Here are some things you need to do right now:

    1. Have your parents call an IEP meeting immediately. They have 10 days to schedule the meeting after the request.

    2. Get copies of your grade reports and some work samples to bring to the meeting.

    3. Write down exactly what you were told by the geometry teacher.

    4. Go to the Wright&#039;s Law website and read up on IEP legalities or have you parents do it. There is everything your need to know on the website.

    5. Find a copy of the Procedural Safeguards booklet that you were given at each IEP. Have your parents read up on what to do if they disagree with the IEP team, which they probably should.

    At the IEP meeting your parents need to do the following:

    1. Ask for proof that all of the accommodations required on your IEP have been implemented. They are usually on the last page of the IEP. If they have not, then your parents have a right to pressure the school for not doing it.

    2. Ask for an explanation as to why you are still failing classes if the supports are enough, which they are not.

    3. Demand that you meet daily with a Resource teacher to get assistance with your work.

    4. Tell the IEP team that you will start a due process complaint if you do not get both the accommodations that you require to be successful and adequate special educations services. This will cost you nothing is one of your rights as a student with special needs.

    This school needs a wake up call  If your parents call the State Department of Education, it will really perk up the school&#039;s ears! You are not being adequately served. Please go to Wright&#039;s Law and find out your rights and get them!

  11. You should have you parents request an IEP conference so that other modifications are added to your IEP.  I have a daughter who&#039;s 15 and a sophomore with an IEP.  You might also need to be reevaluated to find out out what specifically you&#039;re dealing with.  You need to have a nureo-psychologist or psychiatrist do the testing someone away from the board of education.  After you get a specific diagnosis you need them to make reconmendations for what modifications you need.  You might find out that you have processing issues I know that my daughter has them Which makes it hard for her to understand some things the first few times she hears them.  

    You need to really find out what you&#039;re TRULY dealing with not what you THINK you&#039;re dealing with.  Once you know that you and you parents along with the tester will know what to have put on the IEP so that it really works for you.  If your parents need help have them email me as that&#039;s what I do. I advocate for children with Learning disabilites.

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