
IF Anna Anderson's body was cremated how could they diproove her being Russian royalty aka Anastasia?

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when they did the DNA testing on Anna Anderson to prove if she was or wasn't the Grand Duchess Anastasia, they did it through her cremated body so how could they have stated she wasn't the Grand Duchess after all DNA testing would have been negative if it's done to a creamted body, do ou think the truth is still hidden to us today in the fear of the wealth and the royal name?




  1. DNA can in fact be tested after cremation. Lots of things survive such as hair, teeth,etc. For more insight read the article I have referenced.

  2. none of the Romanov's survived. there was controversy in the background of anna anderson because she was elsewhere when the romanovs were killed and therefore couldnt be mistaken for anastasia.

  3. It was Anderson's tissue sample that was later discovered stored at Martha Jefferson Hospital. Anderson’s DNA was compared with those of the Romanovs. Anderson’s DNA sample did not match that of the Duke of Edinburgh or that of the bones, meaning that the tissue sample tested belonging to Anderson could not have belonged to Anastasia. There were also several strands of hair tested which produced the same DNA sequence as the tissue.

    Plus, the real remains of Princess Anastasia and her brother Prince Alexei, missing for decades, may have been recovered. Russian forensic experts think they may have found the remains of two children of the last Tsar whose bodies have been missing since a Bolshevik firing squad executed Russia's royal family in 1918.

    Examination of bones discovered near to the site where the rest of the family were found suggests they belong to Tsar Nicholas II's 13-year-old heir, Prince Alexei, and his daughter Maria, the scientists said. DNA testing still needs to be done to confirm the find.,2...

  4. she had had and operation where they removed part of her intestin.  They also used DNA from a family member.  Though there is some contarversay as to wheter or not the DNA taken from a family memeber was actaully a family member.

  5. Although Anna Anderson had been cremated, a pathology lab had a sample of her intestine, which was used for the DNA test.

    best of luck to you.

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