McCainite is right, how can Obama and same old same old Biden dare ask Americans to support them for "change" when they control
Congress, they pork barrel every bill with waste, they block critical oil drilling decisions trying to make McCain/Palin look bad via guilt by association with Bush?
Pelosi needs to focus in on giving Congress a facelift and quit using her power to stop progress. She is leveraging her power to help Obama, she doesn't care we are suffering with excessive gouging at the pump!
Obama + Biden = same old Washington, pork barrel legislation that pads the pockets of PAC groups.
Palin knows how to rock the boat positively, that is what Washington needs. McCain did the perfect thing, pick an outsider with executive experience so that in the next four years the Biden status quo pork barrel politics can be stopped!
We don't need a President who votes "present" 50% of the time, we need a President who ACTS decisively, not standing outside the White House smoking cigarettes trying to make phone calls to PAC teams to figure out what he should do!
McCain/Palin, they will fix the 9% Congressional approval rating by shaming them into WORKING for us today!
God Bless America, God elect John Sidney McCain/Sarah Palin...