
IF Debates were Based on Experience would it be: McCain vs Biden, Palin vs Obama ?

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Even though Palin has more executive experience than BHO.

Would that provide more entertainment?




  1. Yes, and it is very funny to me how we are comparing a potential VP's experience with that of a potential president. That should tell us something.

  2. McCain and Biden have pretty much equal experience. but on Palin vs Obama, I have to say Palin has more. After all she has run the largest state in the union. What has Obama run? Obama has only about 150 working days in the senate, that's it. Besides that Palin is prettier then

  3. If it were down to Obama and McCain, McCain would win.

    But if McCain croaked, we would all lose.

  4. You know if Ba Rak had been a community organizor in Alaska , Palin would have been the mayor he went to to get a decision made.

  5. That sounds like the old Batman Tv show when Batman and Robin met Green Hornet and Kato.

    Batman beat Green Hornet

    Kato kicked Robin's @ss!

  6. Too bad it isn't, and Obama is about to tear a new one in McCain, and Joe Biden is going to eat Miss Wasilla alive.

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  7. Yes it would she would tear Barry the Inexperienced up.

  8. It would be more fair I guess.

    Obama is going to lose in any debate, and I think Palin is a perfect person for Biden to have to debate against. She has a record of ethics, and he has a record of bad ethics.

    Plagerism in 1988

    Lying about how many degrees he has, lying about his graduation placement. He was 75 of 86. He said he was on the top if his class.

    He makes racist comments all the time when he doesnt think the camera is around.

    I think she will have fun, poking him in a debate.

    He says himself, His candidate is not experienced enough.

  9. You'd have a complete wipe out. Biden has beating McSame's butt on the Seante floor for decades. After being battle tested by one of the greats, Hillary Clinton, Obama would destroy Palin. Can I give it back? Stop drinking the Kool - Aide.

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