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  1. NO.

  2. No, its alot more then just car exhaust.

    Deforestation is a huge issue, and about 200 other things.

    More fuel efficent cars will help the issue though.

  3. No, that's just a drop in the bucket.  In many countries, people aren't much younger than that when they get their license.  The age to drive is 18 in a lot of places, and not everyone gets their license as soon as they are old enough.  

    I did hear that there is a car coming out in India that will cost $2500 new--that could be harmful to the environment if it leads to cars being part of the lifestyles of people who could never afford them before.  But if we focus on keeping power plants and major industry from doing too much damage, and have a reasonable amount of pollution control on vehicles, we should be able to control pollution and greenhouse gas no matter how many cars are on the road.

  4. No, but one thing that drives me nuts is all of these parents that drive their kids to school instead of letting them ride the bus.  That is a ridiculous waste of gas not to mention traffic issues.


  5. Yes, and if we prevent people over the age of 65 from driving as well, this would only help solve the global warming problem.

  6. Climate Change is a more appropriate name.

    No. it would not make a significant change, but we do need to be responsisble in our conservation efferts. But to think that we are responsible for this natural event is not only arrogant but ignorant to the facts.

    We are only in Global Warming during the Warming cycle, then we enter the Global Cooling scare during the Cooling cycle etc...etc....

    The climate change is earths natural warming and cooling cycles. We came out of a cooling cycle a couple hundred years ago. We will be starting a cooling cycle sometime in the future. THESE CHANGES ARE NOT DRASTIC by the way.

    These are some new headlines currently in the news:

    Russian Scientist says A Cold Spell is coming. R.A.N.S. shows that a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012, but real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or longer.

    Researchers from the Oregon State University (OSU) Hatfield Marine Science Center are hoping to learn more about how the sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes contribute to the breakup of ice in the Antarctic region.

    Global Warming Impact on Hurricanes might be Less than Earlier Thought a new study suggests says NOAA.

    If scientists can't even agree on what has happened in the past, imagine how much more difficult it is to figure out the future.

    It amazes me that so many people still believe that we are the cause of the Earth's climate changing (How arrogant of them).

    Economically we are wasting our resources trying to convince the world that a natural warming cycle is caused by man.

    Environmentalists generally only care about the environment for political gain and money.

    Anyone who really cares about the environment and nature are generally known as conservationists.

    Just give it a rest and accept that we need to conserve energy and protect the environment. Leave the rest to God.

  7. Nothing humans can do will change the environment that much. I don't think the dinosaurs drove big SUV's, but I think the ice age took them out.

    Restricting the driving age more would just insure our kids can't work and have to live at home until their mid twenties. No thanks.

  8. no, not even close.  People need to take responsibility for their own actions and be more resourceful.

  9. Even if you do what some idiots say and deny people over or under a certain age the right to drive,that WILL NOT change a darn thing about AGW!  What about all the oil burning furnaces and industrial burning of oil? How about all the people between the ages of 21 and 65 stop using oil. That might have some effect. When will all you 'deniers' ever understand the difference between an hypothesis,and a theory. What you just presented is just an hypothesis! A theory is something that can be proved!  How's that theory of Gravity working out for ya?

  10. NO but it would drop the number of finder benders not to say the money that would be saved on ins.

  11. I don't think so...

  12. No. All that would happen is their parents would have to drive them everywhere, and that would probably INCREASE the amount of gasoline used since the parents would take them, drive home, then later pick them up and drive home again, making 2 trips. If they drove themselves it would be only 1 trip.

    Anyway, people under 21 driving probably only accounts for 1% or less of global warming. So it takes 100 years insead of 99 years for the north pole to melt. Big deal. To stop (I won't say solve) global warming everyone in the world would have to stop driving AND all trucks, trains, ships, airplanes, tractors and so on would have to stop driving AND all fossil fuel electricity generation would have to stop AND steel smelting with coke (made from coal) and all kinds of other things that are absolutely necessary for human well being would have to stop. It would be worse for people than the warming!

  13. And do you think all those would walk to their destinations, or would someone be toting them in a car?

  14. No their parents would  get stuck doing the same driving.

  15. ummmmmmmmmm no

    they represent a tiny tiny proportion of major polutants.

    may lower everyone elses insurance premiums tho,... lol

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