hi there=] im thinking about getting a secong hamster, and IF i do, i plan on asking alot of questions. here are some examples:
-well, first off i will ask if they are knowledgable about hamsters,and if so, is t from personal experience/ researc, or if they were educated on the job and how well?
-How old are these hamsters?
-can you tell me if its male or female?
-what type of beding is that?
-how often do you clean their cages?
-how do you clean their cages? waht d you use?
-who is your supplier for these hamsters? where are they located? do yo have a website/ phone number where i can research/contact them?
-waht type of bedding can/cant i use for them ( i know the answer, i just want to test their knowledge)
OK, so any more questions i should ask? im also going to inspecet the hamsters for signs of iless/injury.
i know its alot of questions, BUT im concerned about the treatment of the animals. i will also look at the store in general. TY!=]