
IF I dress up like an Iphone, will my husband finally have s*x with me?

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I can not get my husband to put down his iphone. I took him out on a date tonight, I paid, planned, dressed really nice and yet the man sat across from me at dinner, constantly playing with his iphone. Why don't men realize...this isn't s**y and that technology at the dinner table does not make me hot for him! But it sure makes me hot for the waiter!!




  1. if he keeps it up common over i'll fix ya right up and there will be no iphone involved  

  2. Get yourself a new toy that you will occupy all your time with and see how he likes it. ;)

  3. hide his phone and be now to get it back i better find you in me in 15 mins.

  4. Technology is ruining men. I am 39 and happily married but I remember tripping all over myself ever since I was like13 years old just to get close to a girl and eventually women... this new generation of guys seem to be more interested in Fantasy Sports, iPhones, Xboxes, PlayStation's... it is sad. It used to be that men would jump through rings of fire just to spend all their money on a date and hope and pray that he might get a kiss or a second date... Now there are all of these women on Yahoo! Answers that are begging for attention from their men... that is just crazy. My wife is fast asleep and I am here on a Friday night playing on the computer, but if I thought for one minute that if I woke her up that she would want to play with me, I would be logging off faster than you could possibly know. A call to all men our there... MAN UP PEOPLE!

  5. Your husband has technophilila, a commonly occurring problem in today's world. Set limits. No tech at the dinner table should be a no-brainer. If he won't agree to it (O_o), then maybe you need to encourage counseling for both of you. If he won't go, maybe you need a different husband.

  6. Hide his Iphone in your pants and tell him to find it.  LOL

  7. Attach the iphone to your crotch and ask him to answer the d**n thing!

  8. Hey I think I was your waiter,weren't you the one who flopped her boob out onto her husbands salad plate trying to get his attention,I cant believe that he didn't even look up,try tossing some ranch or thousand island on that thing next time,you know that a way to a mans heart is through his stomach,maybe then he will notice

  9. OMG Heathers answered had me rolling!!! Hysterical!! I say do that!! Listen to Heather!! LMAO!!!

  10. LOL! I can so relate! Sometimes I think that thing is surgically attached to my husband. As far as playing with it at dinner goes, I finally laid down the law about that. I told him its rude and put it away and be social until dinner was over. I hate to be that blunt, but frankly it is rude and if he doesn't already know that playing with his phone during a date is unacceptable, than someone needs to tell him.

  11. get yourself a iphone and do the same to him bet he get jealous matter of fact get a newer and better phone i would totally ignore him he be like hi hon i be like oh hi and keep playing with my phone even with s*x he be on top and ill be playing with my phone till he get mad and say hey whats with your phone then ill be like oh but it was ok for you to play with yours all the time and i never complained so why are you on my as$$ about my phone  

  12. if you dress like an iphone for me i would be all over you...

  13. I gotta admit that technology does tend to consume us guys a little too much.  Must be all the pretty flashing lights that mesmerize us.  Maybe you can get an iPhone too and send him all sorts of erotic texts, causing him to flirt back and maybe something will come of it...

  14. lol you know what me and my bf made a rule. when we're chilling, hanging out etc NO PHONES. they go on silent. it dont matter who it is. every once in a while we will check n make sure its not our parents or something important bt we made that rule cuz both our phones would be ringin off tha hook, texts and calls and we cant have time to nothing bc the d**n phone, so tell him that you want him to yourself when you go out or w.e he should uunderstand and if not then break his sht!

  15. Well there you's the waiter then. Not kidding.

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