
IF I mix chocolate and coffee and ice is that the same as Burger King's iced coffee?

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IF I mix chocolate and coffee and ice is that the same as Burger King's iced coffee?




  1. also put in vanilla and hazelnut syrup into it and it will taste smilier

  2. Yup!

  3. if you just take coffee and mix your coffeemate and sugar or equal or whatever and pour it on ice and let it get cold its the very same thing as what all the food joints sell.

  4. why don't u just go to BK? and no i don't think it's the same...if it is, that's gross, low-quality coffee. plus when u try to imitate someone's recipe it never tastes the same unless u know exactly what they put in and how. so yea, go to BK

  5. iced coffee is this mixture. Place crushed ice in a blender, add cold leftover coffee, choclate syrup, half and half, a teaspoon of vanilla, a tablespoon of sugar, or substitute. Mix until slushy and drink. Its delish, cheaper than what you get at BK and soooo refreshing.

  6. Have you tried doing it yourself? Then you'll be able to answer your question.

  7. Essentially it's the same. Just add ice.

  8. You've just made a cold chocoffee, which is what my teenager lives on.  8 oz coffee, 2 Tbl hot chocolate mix and enough milk to make it creamy.  She does it hot, but iced would work.

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