
IF Obama is the so much better than McCain, why is he stil tied with the Old Man?

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Truth of the matter is, Obama is a radical tax and spend socialist.

Why had over our great country to a radical liberal who hates white people?




  1. He offers us *change* yet gives us Biden -- more of the *same!*  Has he changed his theme song yet?


  2. There are a lot of stupid people in America.  Most of the are now at the RNC convention.

  3. just vote as to your conscience ...

    is there any other alternative who is better and has no faults?

    truth of the matter is ... that is only your opinion ...

    or are you persuaded by the other candidate to talk bad about him?

  4. good point,you are right on!

    poll also showed Hillary leading obama and should win easily at the beginning of the primaries,also according to the polls obama should have landslide HILLARY  in the second primary but he lost by a large margin i think McCain is in fact in the lead right now but the polls say different,fact is even with all the hoop laa and amazing oration by the anointed one they are still dead tie!

  5. He isn't better, not by a long shot.

  6. He's not tied. Obama is 8 points ahead.


  7. That's why some might think, but the reality proves otherwise...

    1-Obama still raising more money than the old man

    2-At any event more people show up for Obama than the old man.

    3-According to Nielsen Media research almost 40 million people watch Obama's acceptance speech, more than American Idol, more than the Beijing opening games and more than the Academy awards...

    Some polls said the race is close, but when we're referring to the facts, it's just something else. If the old man was that tied with Obama, he would be tied also in raising money and gathering people at his rallies... just common sense!

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