
IF Obama wins will the Mexican make an uprising?

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Nor that he will be pres but mexicans dont wont to be told what to do by a black man in there own soil , Sur TRECE dislikes blacks and could become alllies with white supremists what would happen if race riots where in LA so that CHICANOS could start there own Country or place how would the world react if the chicanos won




  1. Of course not.

  2. Uh, if more Mexicans studied their own history they would realize they already had a Black President in the 1800's.

    Vicente Ramon Guerrero. He was the Mexican George Washington for god's sake. He was a half black man telling Mexicans what to do on their own soil.  Ooops!

    He also fought valiantly for Mexicans benefit.

    If you ally with stupidity it may rub off on you.

    We have more in common than you think, amigo.

    I will never understand the animosity between mexicans and blacks. I give respect were it is due. As a people nobody will out work you. But you disrespect those that were here before you against their will and worked harder than you for free.

    But you rather saddle up next to people that pay you little more than slaves got and don't see the connection. You think white people will treat you differently, better? You see it amongst your own people as I have among mine that the "whiter" they become the more the self-hate increases. Latino's with papers vs those without. American born vs mexican born. You see how that road unwinds? As a people we could help each other sharpen each other's weaker areas. You could help refresh our work ethic and we could help with language and assimilation skills. Together we would represent 65% of the US population.

    Instead of Black and Brown fighting hurting each other. We could come together and be unstoppable. Black and Brown running the town, Brown and Black watching each others back. Think about it.

  3. NO!

  4. I am NOT for Obama but the answer to your question is NO

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