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im bord someoen tell em what u would if u waz stuck on a island adn u could only have 3 wishes




  1. 1. Bring the world to peace

    2. Be rich

    3. My last wish is; to grant me more wishes.

    POOF! And Ms. your wishes have been granted!

  2. I would go back home, have my love be forever in love with me, and have my stepdad burn in h**l.  

  3. 1) I want a soulmate and we should live very long together.

    2) I wish there were peace between all the countries of the world and no armed conflicts ever again.

    3) I wish Al-Qaeda and all terrorist organizations ceased to exist.  

  4. stuck on an island or not. here are my 3 wishes:

    for salvation of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

    for the world to celebrate Christmas as Jesus' Birthday.

    to rid the world of child molesters.

  5. 1)let me died

    2)don't put me in heaven

    3)don't put me in h**l,just let me dissapear.

  6. live forever

    have a partner that loves me and i love in return

    being happy forever

  7. many wishes as I want:)

  8. Two or three wishes?

    1. That you would type out full words.

    2. That you would turn off caps lock and turn on spell check.

    3. That you would stop posting stupid questions.

  9. I Would wish for

    1 a boat

    2 endless supply of gas for that boat

    3 someone HOT to drive that boat

    Thats All I Would Need

  10. I know this sounds trite, but I would wish for world peace.  Not hatred or war would be amazing.

    Second, I would wish for unlimited money.  I would do everything I have always wanted to do.  I would also support charities and causes that need help!

    Third, to get off of the island

  11. stuck on island well interesting...

    1) a we live in...(so food supplies in it...)

    2)a pc..

    3)a net connectiom

  12. 1. i would wish to get off the island and go back home.

    2. I would wish to be rich.

    3. I would wish to marry joe jonas. lol.

  13. Well I would start of with one wish...have unlimited wishes.

  14. I would wish for all animals to have the same rights as humans ie an animal accident and emergency unit in all towns, Animal abusers to be jailed for the same time as if they assaulted a human, Also world peace, and mabe a world full of none violant nice caring people and animal lovers and animals, Perfect.

  15. world peace (seriously)

    and every1 in my whole entire family to be super freakin rich lol

    and if i could be a wee bit shorter

  16. lol two or three wishes? make up your mind!

    ok two wishes

    have money

    me and my family always healthy

  17. If I had 2 wishes they would be for good health and 1billion dollars.

    If it were 3 I would wish that people could lead themselves with logic instead of emotion.

  18. 1 - i would wish for unlimited wises.

    # 2 - well id have as many as i wanted so.. yeah.

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