
IF U mix beer with pot what happens?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is throwinwg a party with both of thosed avalible

no i am not going

but im worried for my friend

becasue she is going

and i told her not to go

but she wont listen

sooo yea

i want "rreal answers"

not something

that u see on tv and c**p!




  1. u get reallly smashed..

    of course its not good for you an you obvo know that, but she wont OD or anything .. theres lads were i live who always do it.

  2. You get a whole load of wet pot - not a smart idea if you plan on smoking it  :O)

    Only kidding....

    From a lot of personal experience:

    - First of all, don't worry.  It is not dangerous in itself.  Your friend will not die or get ill from drinking alcohol and smoking weed.  I've done it a million times, so have most people I know.

    - Chances are, your friend will just have a really really good time.  Especially if he/she is with good responsible friends.

    - Worst case scenario she'll be drunk and stoned, and she'll fall asleep, and this is only a bad thing if she is in the company of malicious, mischievous or irresponsible people.

    Hope this helps.

  3. It will probably help a person not get a hangover. You'll just get twice as high, so don't drive.

  4. I don't know do it and tell me how it worked out!

  5. You get drunk if you drink a lot of beer, you get stoned if you smoke pot. Nothing bad happens. It's just partying, if you can't hang don't try to party. I've never seen anyone get so messed up smoking weed and drinking beer that anything bad happened to them, if anything they get sleepy or stupid. BUT if someone is just drunk as h**l and passes out make sure they're on their side so that there's no possibility of them vomiting and choking on it.

  6. i do it all the time i got sick the first two times after that its fun as hail but u have to smoke the weed first

  7. messed up

  8. Once you're so drunk it doesn't even phase you really. It just gets you f*cked up and they probably won't even remember doing it. It's no biggie.

  9. dont freak out about it because ur friend might resent that but unless she smokes way too much or drinks way too much she'll more than likely be fine. however, i do think you should tell your friend youre concerned and just ask her to be carefull and to remember not to try to keep up with anyone else and take their time. also remind them that theyll get a stinking hang-over if they dont drink enough non alcoholic fluid. tell her to try to eat some toast or a sandwich and drink a pint of water before she goes to bed. if she has a hangover in the morning tell her to go buy some lucozade hydro and sip at it. hope ive helped.

  10. It won't kill you to mix them but if you get really really drunk and then smoke, you can end up not remembering the night before or getting really really messed up. I used to smoke cigs to make sure I was still breathing. Don't drive and be with people you trust or just don't get that messed up. But a beer and some pot is not going to be the end of your night or anything.

  11. if you honestly don't know the answer to this question, then you and your friends are certainly not old enough to do either. lol.

  12. your going to have a really good time!!!

  13. Suprisingly I have never gotten ill off of mixing the two, But that may only be because thats what ive always done and my body is used to it... also im from BC, we grow amazing weed with no chemicals in em... pot with chemicals in it makes me right sick. but yeah i just get drunk and then after a while i feel the pot and then i get tired.... but i also beleive that the alcohol makes the THC stick around longer cause i swear i can still feel it the next morning.  

    Quick Tip: Black Ash= Bad Pot  LIghter The Ash = Better the pot..


  14. Depending on how much your friend drinks, they will get drunk and how much they smoke, they will get stoned.  Getting high and getting drunk don't mix particularly well and too much of both will usually lead to vomiting. When one is high, they might not drink as much as they would if they weren't high.  I'd be more concerned about getting busted by the cops.  Drunk and high people make poor decisions about how loud music should be and other things that draw attention to the party.

  15. from personal experience... if you drink first, you dont really feel the effects of the MJ until a few hours later.  i just knocked out sleepy.  i think while drinking beer you just urinate the  THC all out.

  16. vomit.

    and fun.

  17. You will puke your brains out. Mixing them doesn't kill you, but it makes you sick as h**l.

  18. Youll get pregnant and have a retarted baby!!!!

  19. The pot gets wet and that makes it hard to keep it lit.

    She wants to "party", meaning to get ripped. I hope she has a chastity belt to wear...

  20. beer+good green=fun

    the high aspect doesn't have much bearing on the drunkenness.

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