
IF YOU HAVE LIVEJOURNAL HELP? i desperately need you i beg you please help please? ?

by  |  earlier

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when you are being processed to get accepted into a community how do you know when you have been accepted. I know there is a tracking link but i lost it. will i get an email? (i joined the proana one) plz dont be mean.




  1. Just check your community listings on your profile.

    That aside, I don't know what proana is but I can guess and you should talk to someone.

  2. Why did you join a proana one? Sweetie, you need some help...I'm not trying to be mean, but you are ruininig your life. If you need to talk, email me, okay?

    In response to your question, you probably do.

  3. I joined that too haha.

    I think you do get emails thats why its so important to have yahoo because msn marks that as spam.

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