
IF YOU THINK THAT illegals make the the wage go really low that an American cant compete with then?

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how much money would you pick tomatoes for, sun up to sun down with the risk of skin cancer? would you want benefits?

and don't you think the prices for that tomatoe will go up? and the restaurants like burger king would also have to race their prices do to americans that whant to be payed more and the new prices they have to pay for the vegetables cut by ppl who wont settle for low wage, PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTIN DO NOT GO AROUND IT





  1. Joel hit it right on the head, I have picked tomatoes for 50 cents a bushel before, along with beans etc... so I know Americans will do these jobs!!!!! You said about what the inmates would do to the veggies, what about the diseases illegals have and pass around? Where did the salmonella outbreak occur from, between mexico and Florida where illegals pick them. I do not want illegals picking my food! That's why I buy mine from local growers who do not employ illegals!!!!!!!

  2. Various macroeconomics have already proven that if all illegal immigrants were to leave that there would be a downshift in the American public. Polls show that MOST Americans will not do some of the jobs an illegal immigrant will do regardless of the amount of money, simply because of the work involved.

    As I heard one woman saying a few years back "Girl, I learned how to play the game long 'go. Why I gonna' git another job when I make just under to get WIC, get money from my baby's daddy and can use my money for me?"

    No joke. She actually said that. My mouth must have dropped to my chest and I quickly looked away when she caught me staring at her. But as she stated - she learned to "play the game" which would probably explain why she had her nails and hair done and a slammin' outfit while I didn't.

    The proof is in the pudding - most Americans wouldn't do the jobs and if they did, they'd demand much more which in turn would raise our prices.

    And I already pay enough for gas.

  3. Americans pick tomatoes in 83% of the fields in the United States.  Illegal aliens pick tomatoes in only... only 17% of the fields.

    Down in Mexico, the Government doesn't want the poor people of Mexico.  They DO want the poor people of Mexico to send money back, but they don't want them living there.  They come north, usually after they have saved for a while, and get a job.  

    But the gang bosses offer the illegal aliens less money than the American Citizens.  So if the illegal aliens are in the area, the wages fall.  The wages go down.  But as we all have seen, the cost of the tomatoes don't go down.  

    When the illegal aliens are around, the cost of welfare goes up.


    American Citizens do the work in the fields 83% of the time, but when the illegal aliens are in town, they cause the wages to go down, but not the cost of the tomatoes.  But when the illegal aliens are around, the cost of welfare goes up.  It goes up to about 300 billion a year for the illegal aliens.  So even though the employers don't pay the wages, the American people do, and the Employer keeps the difference.

    Illegal aliens create enormous difficulty in the agricultural section.  The Employer is the only one who benefits from it too.

  4. Claudia you got it right! The idea that's its illegals who set the wages and steal American jobs,is typical among those who would not do these jobs if their family depended on it( As obvious the case of migrants),its a lame excuse for their closet racism!

    Edit! Not for a dollar an hour! Not with out benifits..but Ok here I am an American in Europe  who is self employed in the cleaning business and I earn 35 dollars an hour,A cleaner who is employed by a company( an established one) can earn over 2O dollars an hour,free medical,and 5 weeks vacation!

  5. Americans will not do the jobs illegals do at ANY PRICE! Yes, they did these jobs before, but today's Americans are different. They have easier alternatives, but they'll always use the wages excuse. Actually, wages aren't even the issue. Some farms pay up to $16 +/hr at a piece rate, but that means Chad has to bust his butt to make that much.

    Yes, prices will go up on everything because Americans will make demands for higher wages even after raising them to get them in the door, longer breaks, benefits, weekends and paid holidays. That is the reason a lot of employers seek immigrants for these jobs to. They are just hard working machines that are here for one live a better life!

    “You can’t get Americans to do this job, period,” Metzen said.

    To prove his point, Metzen told the story of a man in his mid-20s who came into his office eager to embark on a career in the horse racing industry.

    “This fellow pulled up in a $40,000 truck looking for a job. I sent him to see a trainer and in five minutes he had a job,” Metzen said. “After a few days of working all day and mucking stalls, he asked the trainer who would do his job on Saturday and Sunday when he was off. The trainer told him that he would. Horses have to be cared for seven days a week, so he had to work seven days a week. The guy left that day and never came back.

    “Americans want to work five days a week, not seven. We’ve advertised all over to find backstretch workers, and we’re lucky if we get one or two. Congress seems to believe we can find Americans to do this work. Well, if they can find them, then please send them to us.”

    For the quick-serve restaurant industry, the topic couldn’t be more relevant. Restaurants have a high turnover rate and need to hire workers to fill a constantly rotating kitchen staff. In many cases, illegal immigrants can end up on the roster.

  6. Well, if I were so desperate for a job, I migth have to pick vegetables for $2/hour, but I would strive to get a better job

    To perpetua

    You have a real detachment from reality. To answer your question, if the illegals were WASP I really doubt anybody would protest

    Ah, the LAW. Good to know.

    No, no part of ILLEGAL is difficult to understand, but that is NOT the point

    Also, we know that, in the XIX century slavery was legal, and helping a slave to escape was ILLEGAL.

    Therefore, I assume that you are in favor of slavery

  7. What part the word 'illegal' is hard to understand?

    Aren't there legit guest worker programs? If cheap labor is needed,pass some law that would institute a lesser wage for guest workers.

    A good example is countries of the Arabian Gulf. They pay non-residents based on their citizenship. They pay Americans one wage and pay Sri Lankans another wage. It is based on the fact that America is more expensive than Sri Lanka and it would be unfair to pay a Sri Lankan $4000 a month for the same job.

    Australia does not have illegal laborers and it does not give citizenship to anchor babies. One of the parents must be an Australian permanent resident. Their tomatoes are probably more expensive but they live with it and have free medical care and generous welfare benefits for all. You do not see Australians scrambling to come to the US as refugees from high tomato prices. Been to MacDonald's in Sydney, the hamburger was more expensive, true. But still affordable. How do Aussies do it?  Maybe by not spending billions on medical/educational/legal care for illegals but instead investing that money to employ their own people or protect them  with a great social net the likes of which the US will probably never see.

    The above goes for New Zealand, too. No illegals, plenty of legal immigrants, and I could afford to eat tomatoes there. They take care of their own people (citizens or residents) first.

    Americans should hire legal people/citizens, but all this flag waving  and patriotism stops when it comes to money. If an American can save a buck, he will gladly hire an illegal rather than his American brother.

    Other countries usually won't.

    Anyway, Mexican laborers need to come into the country legally and as non-residents they have to be paid a wage that is geared for Mexican life, not American life. Once the contract is finished they go home. End of the story. And if they want to stay, they need to get in line just like anybody else.

    Also, the US is still one of not that many countries that grants citizenship to people automatically because they are born on US soil. Kids of illegals are Americans. Most other countries don't do it. Japan doesn't. Saudi Arabia doesn't. The EU doesn't.

    The whole gist of the matter is that the workers come in without visa. And that is the violation of the US law. They do not get medical checks,do not stand in line at embassies,do not get a criminal background check/police clearance.

    Institute guest worker programs. Put cons to work. Or change the immigration law and institute a special country-of-origin-based guest worker minimum wage.

    Assuming regular US citizens do not want to pick tomatoes; does not mean you need to employ people who have no visas. All the while people who want to get into the US legally have to wait up to 16 years to get in and go through an incredible bureaucratic nightmare.

    Most Americans follow the rule when they go to foreign countries to work. If they don't, they get jailed and deported. No excuse, no exception.

    And why are people bringing racism into all this? You mean, if the illegals were all blond and blue eyed, then there would not be public outrage over all this?

    To reply to your question: If I were unemployed and had no way to pay my bills, I would pick tomatoes for any legal US wage.

  8. Hmm you got great suggestion about subsidizing inmates to do the work, and you c**p on it and say they will spit on the veggies, etc.

    What is the screening process for illegals who want to spit on our agriculture? There isnt one.

    Why do think all those tomatoes had salmonella? Because illegals dont wash theyre hands.


  9. Actually, minimum wage is below the market equilibrium wage, but employers see minimum wage as an excuse not to pay what they should. Everyone in the service industry should be making more, and its no one groups fault.

    Aliens here illegally provide a valuable service (especially in the food picking industry), and this country would have a crisis if all of the hardworking immigrants disappeared.

  10. i wouldn't pick tomatoes. i don't think thats a job. if they didn't do it, i think the immates should get out there (have them chained up together)  and get money put on their book for the work. we will always have inmates

  11. Get real. When was the last time you saw an illegal immigrant get unemployment, disability, or social security for that matter. If our system was not messed up none of this would happen. If they do the work same as you, minimum wage is fine. But housing is charged to everybody the same. That is what causes the burden to society, not wages. Someone needs to stop housing gouging.

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