
IF YOU WAS GOING TO EAT A SLICE OF BREAD,,, Where would it go, in what order,,,,?

by  |  earlier

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and how is it linked from an organ to the next,, what are the organs??? cheers




  1. oral cavity -> oesophagus -> stomach -> duodenum -> jejunum -> ileum -> caecum -> colon -> r****m -> a**s

  2. go to google look up digestive system

  3. In the mouth, an enzyme called amylase breaks down the starch into simple sugars. In the stomach the glutin is broken down by an enzyme called trypsin. It breaks protein down and the enzyme is activated by Hydrochloric acid. As the digested protein passes from the stomach, the pancreas excretes Sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acid. Bile from the gall bladder helps to emulsify fat. The fat and protein is then absorbed by the small intestine. It enters the large intestine and excess water is reabsorbed. Special bacteria also live here and manufacture vitamins like vitamin K. The material then passes from the body as solid waste.

  4. Mouth: Mash up with saliva. Enzymes break up some of the starch into sugars.

    Down the oesophagus which is at the back of the mouth.

    Stomach (near bottom of rib cage): mixed with bile etc in stomach. More starch broken down.

    Small intestine: (Linked to stomach) More enzymes, breaks down some more, all nutrients absorbed into body through intestinal wall.

    Large intestine: Water squeezed out

    a**s: stored until excretion.


    That pic has the relevant places for the organs on :) x

  5. Garbage in, garbage out.

  6. If you was going to?

    What kind of English is that?

    Anyways, you would chew the bread, swallow it down your throat, into the stomach, thru the intestines, and then out your booty

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