
IF a Democrat was given a brick of gold why would he complain that it was heavy.?

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IF a Democrat was given a brick of gold why would he complain that it was heavy.?




  1. Is this a rhetorical question?

  2. That's very funny. I like that.  

  3. We can test your theory by giving me that brick.. Pretty sure I wouldn't complain..

  4. yes then he would get into his toga and order his slaves to pick it up and sell it for another roman temple. lol obamas acceptance speech

  5. Because he would have 20 Republicans trying to take it from him.

  6. Because the Republican will offer to carry it. Little does he know, the Republican is going to shave some off the top before returning it.

    And that's why I'm an independent.

  7. So, that he could sue the hard-working person who made the brick and get more gold or money, that he doesn't have to work for.  Like any democrat would.

    EDIT-I think I have the best answer here. Just my opinion though.

  8. :(~

  9. Because his Prius didn't have enough available horse-power to get him, his wife, and the brick of gold from the welfare line to the abortion clinic.

  10. For the same reason, If a Rep. was given a pencil they would say, "duh, what's this?"

  11. Not sure where you are coming from, but I don't know of any democrats who are complaining of anything. Maybe you should have been more specific with your question.

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