
IF i was to get an african grey parrot, could it learn tricks?

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Could it learn to distinguish different shapes like the african grey parrot "Alex" does? Can i teach it to play dead, and most importantly shower with me?




  1. I have an African Grey she loves showers. Learning tricks depends on how much you work with them. THey are very smart birds but you have to realize Alex was worked with Daily. His job was to know all that. And the people that worked with Alex jobs were to work with him.

    Best thing is research the birds. and you have to realize that just because you get an African Grey doesn't mean it will do what you want it to. I love mine but they do have there own thought process.

    I know of some African Greys that never talk. Mine is 6 and she says a lot of things.

    She says things like come here I love you.

    You can see pictures of my birds at

  2. Yes you would be able to teach them to do all sorts of tricks-as long as you know how to train a bird.  If you don't then pick up a couple of books on bird training to get yourself familiar with it.  They say that an African Grey's can recognize shapes, but you would have to be very patient when training. I have never had a bird that didn't like to take showers or baths.  You can buy a perch that goes in the shower for your bird.

  3. More than likely, the bird will have you trained well before you have him trained.  At that point you'll realize you've become a "bird person"!

  4. I already answered this when you asked the first time. :/ Please read there.

  5. I once wanted an african grey, looked into it quite a bit and everything I saw, read, and heard said they were extremely intelligent and very VERY trainable. Unfortunately, they require more time and interraction than I can spare. Please do research before buying. They can do horrible things to themselves if neglected even for relatively short periods. It's not at all like a puppy you can have neighbors come over and feed if you go on vacation. If you can do it though,...I'm sure your Grey will make a wonderful friend.

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