I see alot of people on this forum who infer, or outright say, that infertile women should "take the hint" (that they just aren't "meant" to be parents)
now, I believe in God.. and I believe that there are reasons for what he does/allows....I just believe that it is arrogant of any human to try to guess those reasons.. I believe God's mind is so far above our own that it is impossible for us to try and "guess what he's thinking"
wouldn't it follow that if infertility was a sign that you aren't meant to be parents, that all fertile people ARE meant to be parents?? Would you really agree with this? You cannot have one side of the coin without the other..
Also, couldn't God let a woman be infertile just SO she'd adopt a child that really needed a home?
What do you think? Can you have one part of the logic without the other?
this is NOT a rant, it's a legitimate question asking whether or not one half of the logic naturally follows the other..