
IF someone had been trained to fined things. WHY would the psychic people just back out?

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying for 20 years to keep my mouth shut. Then I finde that even if I do show something, time enhanced, they loose what I am trying to do. It is not out of bounds to point




  1. I-sea-in-yor-neer-or-farther-foocher.......




  2. ????

  3. What do you mean? I don't understand what it is you are asking here.

  4. they loose the connection with the spirit world.

  5. Your post makes no sense. I suggest you get your thoughts in order before you write.

  6. Emma, I think you are on to something, however all of your questions are half questions, there is no body to your sentence structure. Could you please elaborate so we could answer your questions? You start to make a point but then assume that we know what you are talking about....

  7. Ditto. Please explain, because I don't understand what you're asking.

  8. WTF! WTF! WTF!!??!!!

  9. please explain..???

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