
*IF* the McCanns are guilty, how did they dump Maddie's body at sea?

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*i'm aware the following is pure speculation*

a lot of people are speculating that Maddie's body may be at sea. if Kate and Gerry are guilty, then how did they manage this? even if they had an accomplice (e.g one of the tapas 7), wouldn't they have looked strange going out an a rowboat with a large package? surely they would've been seen and aroused suspicion?

and it's not like the McCann's could just enlist the help of any old person with a boat.

Just how could they have disposed her body at sea? (if she is dead)




  1. Yes it would have been impossible. One theory was that Maddies body was hidden in the freezer !! Another one was that Gerry carried her body around with him in a blue tennis bag. A third one was that her body was put in the boot of a hired car 25 days after she was abducted.!!! And the most bazaar was that Kate and Gerry ate her body !!!  Its amazing what pure speculation can come up with. Nobody has even proved that little Maddie is even dead.  .

  2. As they returned from their meal with friends, late in the evening, they only needed a short time span to dump her body(if they did), then report her supposed abduction to the police.. I still believe, due to all the reports that have come out, that this is the best explanation for the whole sorry incident!!! I hate to think badly of anybody, but all the media coverage points to this as the solution...I hope I am wrong and that the wee girl will turn up at some point, but it seems highly unlikely now.

  3. Well obviously, If the Smiths saw Jerry McCann carrying Madeline that night. It seems likely she was not abducted.

    Who know`s How, or If, they disposed of her. I hope someday we shall have the chance to find out. I think the case will be reopened,but again who know`s when.

  4. I have never read such a disgusting question, and more so the disgusting answers. Could any of you really think that these two people could do such a thing to their own Daughter ? I hardly think so and please dont any of you think it either. It would take two very hard nosed individuals, to even contemplate doing a terrible thing like that to a little girl... and this is their Daughter. !!

  5. Well firstly there is no evidence to support maddie being alive on the 3rd of may and there is no evidence of an abduction. So the disposal of the body could have been dealt with before anyone knew anything. The body is believed to have been moved and hidden well before the 'abduction' was relayed. It's not so difficult if you think outside the box. There is more evidence to suggest the child is dead and that her parents are involved than any other scenario. Time and truth will tell

  6. They didn't. They couldn't. Because they didn't kill her.

  7. The evidence of a man UNINVOLVED with the Tapas 9 says he saw GERRY carrying a young girl towards the beach that night. Before any "abduction" was reported

    All evidence pointing away from the McCanns comes from them, or their friends.

    I know which would be more plausible to me as a police officer.

  8. How can you post this question when you admit - 'i'm aware the following is pure speculation' ?

  9. Whichever way i can think of to make this work, a third party would have had to have been involved - and with the ensuing media spotlight they were about to be put under they would have had to have been totally crazy to have done this - the risk of suspicion alone would have been too great.

    Maybe they had friends they could trust totally, but even then the risks wold have been too great.

  10. much of the time scale of this evening is provided by the mccanns and their friends

    we will never know exactly what happened or how they disposed of the body unless they say

    being hard to explain doesn't mean it didn't happen

  11. They only needed a small window of opportunity, the story that they may have drudged her just so she sleeps and they can have dinner is widely spread in Italy, so all you need is to even hide the body first then dump hit when the police is looking somewhere else, let's be honest even the police haven't done an amazing job there, at the same time they should have not done any work if these parents behaved like parents and staid home with heir children, or got a nanny, none of this would have happened.

    I would take away the other children as they are oobviouslynaive and that's the only thing the police really failed.

    For the reader that suggest this is so impossible, it's their ddaughterand so on, I have a question, what world do you live in?

    Many parents loose their minds , abuse,kill children.

    This pair thought to pit the kids to bed and go out for a meal!!I rest my case on this.

  12. Im still thinking how difficult is it not to have found little Maddie if she is alive her heart will be missing the love of her mam dad and Family and Being held against her wish must be Very Distressing for poor Maddie but I am Assuming she is still Alive Even though how no one has spotted her is Strange (lets not forget a spot in the eye) Which Leads me on to other thoughts like Gerry carrying a girls body down to the sea and that makes me think of possible causes of Why Would A Mother Do that to her own flesh and Blood Reasons for that can only be Answered by People that have  done such Sickening Acts One thing is Certain A Mother And Father Are without their Daughter A Mothers Son Who has Been Accused Has to reassure her son it was due to "Circumstances"  I Must Admit the longer its taking of finding Maddie  the more I lean towards Kate Killing Maddie in "A fit of Rage"due to Pressures and the fact her little girl wouldnt Settle

  13. Come on, I dont believe they could do that!!!!!

  14. Lowjoy says it all.....yep it would take two very hard nosed individuals.

  15. Well if it was late enough at night when nobody really was awake I suppose its a possiblity, but don't they also speculate that maybe the child was sold to a family?? Thats what they were thinking about Caylee Anthony the florida case, but I guess now its not looking so good, so sad. :(

  16. i think they ate her.

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