Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) responded to reports that a Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint by members of the Mexican military in Arizona by reaffirming the necessity for border fencing and other infrastructure. According to a State Department Spokesman, the encounter “stemmed from a momentary misunderstanding as to the exact location of the U.S.-Mexican border.â€Â
"I disagree with the State Department’s characterization of this incident," said Congressman Hunter. "The fact that members of the Mexican military are routinely operating in such close proximity to the border, with no identifiable purpose, raises serious questions about their activities. Rather than dismissing this incident as a mere misunderstanding, the Departments of State and Homeland Security should try to make sense of this and the more than 40 incursions that have occurred over this fiscal year alone.
"If the Mexican military has a problem identifying the exact location of the border, then we should make it clear to them. Building fence and implementing other infrastructure in areas where incursions appear to be more frequent will prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. This isn’t the first time the Mexican military has crossed into the United States and, until our border is clearly defined and aggressively enforced, it certainly won’t be the last."
NOTE: A Border Patrol agent was recently held at gunpoint by members of the Mexican military who crossed the border into Arizona. According to reports, the soldiers returned to Mexico when other agents responded to assist.