
IF the existence of Gods were disproved, would you be able to find inner peace w/out a religious attachment?

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This is saying, if ALL and ANY Gods were proven to be untrue and falsified.

Fictional if you will.

Would you be able to find inner peace and meaning for your life without the knowledge for existence of a higher being?




  1. certainly, I don't believe in God/Gods now, lol

  2. I find more peace without religion.

    I used to be a "jesus freak"

    Now I have no belief in an anthropomorphic, intimate god.

    Religion keeps you ignorant and fearful of death and deprives you of your life NOW by leading you to believe that everything you do must be in preparation for the afterlife (heaven, etc). Basically, it goes something like this: "Is your life miserable? Don't worry! Jesus has an *IOU Free Trip to Heaven (all expenses paid)* in store for you, so just deal with your miserable life in the mean time; life is trivial here in the devil's world."

    This deprives people from enjoying the fullness that life has to offer.

    Rather than the ignorant logic that allows you to trump the fear of death by suggesting some form of cosmic-compensation via everlasting life AND convincing you that the life you have on earth (which is the only life you know) is trivial,    I believe that I can enjoy life right now without having to be obsessed with doing things in preparation for what may potentially and probably be a mythical fairy tale--heaven. Imagine how worthless of a life monks and nuns and priests would have lead if there was no heaven... heaven is their cookie.... they deprive themselves for... for what? a cookie?!

    All this c**p about sin and discipline and blah just prevents you from experiencing the ONLY thing you have and know: life.

    better to live in the HERE and NOW because this is all you know.

    So, in short, abandoning religion has helped me live my life with enjoyment free from ignorance.

    Also, Are religious people nice? Or are they doing it because they get a cookie from jesus in the end?

    A world without religion just seems more sincere and realistic; only realistic expectations can allow you to be free- not the belief that you will get to live in some village that rests atop clouds with a bunch of floating naked people.

    Good luck- sorry for not sounding sophisticated but I'm really too lazy to put the thought and effort right now ( I need a nap).

  3. I suppose that depends on how deep a person is attached to the religious faith.

    For people deeply related to religion and existence of a god, it would make a huge impact to even tell them there really is no god -- let alone prove it.

    For people with little faith, it would make less difference as they have already accepted a godless universe.

    Peace is with the person who would accept reality as presented to them, be it a godly world or godless world.

  4. Once freed from the conditioning of the belief in the existence of  these gods, the search for inner peace can truly begin.

  5. Look, God in different religions means different. In Christianity and Islam it means the creator of the universe and mankind and everything else. In Buddhism and Jainism it is believed that the universe is eternal, it was always there. So the Jains consider the ones who have liberated themselves from the cycle of rebirths to be God. My personal belief is that we can find inner peace without religion. But religion gives you a discipline. Inner peace can be found by 3 major vows.

    1) Non-Violence in all forms (action, speech, thought)  

    2) Truth(not to lie)

    3) Non-Indulgence( not to consume alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc)

    Meditation should also be practiced regularly. Or you can concentrate on a single black dot on a white paper. No other thoughts. Its not easy, but by practice you can do it. By doing this you will start to look at things differently. Your mind will be more peaceful and your soul will be purified. Social work or charity also help a lot. Vegetarian diet should be practiced a much as possible. Respect all living creatures, and try not to hurt them. I research on many religions. If you need any advice you can add me on yahoo. My ID is

    May peace be upon you.

  6. perosnally i dont really belive even now, but i know a lot of people who would not be able to manage. after all a lot of people have relied on that belief for all of their lifes and with that belief gone everything they know would crumble. which bring on another point, even if it was proved majority of believers would call it a lie and ignore the facts.

  7. we are all the higher beings playing the game of being human.

    it is foolish to worship a god.

    just worship me if you want to worship a god.

    I also take master card and visa, cash, jewels.

    virgins are good too.

  8. It's pretty sad if a person couldn't.

  9. Yes. Because IF it could be disproved, then that would mean advanced science and knowledge proving that it doesn't exist, WITH evidence backing it up.

    All it's gonna take away is the ability to pray, because all you're gonna do is pray to thin air.... It would take away the "blame factor" where some wrong decisions or accidents, you blame to God. Churches wouldn't exist anymore, or maybe it will if there are still people who believe even if it has been disproved....

    Morality, would MAYBE be at an all time low. Coz if there are no Gods, then there wouldn't be anyone to punish you after death.

    No h**l, No Heaven... Basically, everything that makes us fear divine consequences would be gone because the One Who Makes Them Happen is not real....

    But yeah. I would be able to find Inner peace.  But that solely depends on the person. Because it's He/She that decides what they believe in, therefore decide whether they still want to believe even if it's disproved.

    And who says everyone with belief in God can find inner peace?

  10. I already do fine without it.

  11. A normal human being should always be able to stand up after something he/she believed was disproved. If someone had give up his/her life just because there is no god, then that person need some serious help. We, as humans should always expect something illogical to happen. This universe can be always larger then what we expected.

    It's not that it the existence of god can't be disproved, it's ALREADY been disproved in many peoples' mind.

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