
IF the wall was built how does that affect ppl who overstay the visa from being illegals?

by Guest10656  |  earlier

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I heard there's alot of them illegals 2. And wouldn't the terrorists everbody is so scared of know the wall is there and still find a way to come here like flying or from Canada where it's got wide open spaces?

Isn't there better ways to spend the money for the wall like more border guards and more ICE to track the terrorists better?




  1. Newsflash, the wall was never meant to stop people who overstay their visas, two completely separate issues.  It's really too bad be need a wall anyway, but not everyone respects other nations laws.  Border Patrol agree, the wall does work even if it doesn't keep every single illegal out. Better than nothing, that's for sure.

  2. The wall is just to help stop all the Mexicans from running accross the border. Since the border patrol is limited, the wall would help the few they have monitor the border better.

  3. That wall isn't going to stop anyone. If someone wants to be on this side of it, they will find a way to do it.

  4. Strategically placed barriers WILL greatly impede the illegal flow of traffic across our border...and this is exactly the reason people that are pro illegal criminal aliens are opposed to it.

  5. Border Patrol have made it widely know that their job is almost impossible without some for of wall or deterrent, who are we to question these professionals.

  6. It doesn't.  It will, however, hopefully effect the more than half a million who enter illegally every year.  Any reduction is a good thing.

    Rationally, one can't expect a single tactic to deter every type of illegal.  Every thoughtful person would be quick to admit that there are many many tactics that need to be employed in order to staunch the flow of illegal aliens into the US.

    Today's decision by the Supreme Court to allow building of the border fence to continue was very welcome news.  It's certainly a step in the right direction although even more is needed if we want to stop all illegal immigration.

  7. I'm starting my underground tunnel digging company (Digging for freedom), do you want to invest in my company now? it'll take off once that wall is complete, and it'll make you some really good money.........LOL

  8. I don't believe the wall will work very good.Maybe at first until everybody figures a way to get around it.Yes,there is better ways to spend the money.The wall won't work for long!

  9. Hopefully they will round them all up and execute them. But all the bleeding heart liberals would never let that happen. But if it did that would solve the illegal problem all together. Go home illegals!

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