
IF this is true, why do you think that UFO's disarm nukes?

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I thought it was pretty interesting.

I've seen a UFO myself, and I just always assumed it to maybe be a military prototype aircraft. But this is quite fascinating.

The story alleges that UFO's have been seen to shut down nukes during testing at several bases in the USA and in the Soviet Union.

It's interesting, but if it's true, why didn't they stop Hiroshima?

And also if it's true, do you think that it's some other government's vehicle that does it? Or do you think that it's foreign?

Since they don't hurt anyone and like to make sure that no one gets hurt (shutting down nukes... etc...) if they ARE from somewhere else in the galaxy or universe, do you think that this proves they are peaceful?

Anyways, I swear, I'm not a crackpot. I just found this interesting!




  1. If UFO's are real, and I think they are, then nukes are as primative to them as stone age weapons are to us today.

  2. Good video. Very fascinating. If you enjoyed that, I recommend watching "Area 51: The Alien Interview." It's a documentary about a controversial video of a supposed extraterrestrial being. It's a real, published documentary, but you can find it on YouTube separated into 10 segments, 10 minutes long each.


    Since Hiroshima was our very first atomic bomb, ETs probably weren't aware of our capabilities until we set off the first one. But if they have, in fact, been watching, then that's probably when they would have gotten interested. I don't think it was some other country's apparatus, because if it was, the whole world would know about anti-gravity technology. Who would hide something like that? It would have eventually been leaked (just like this UFO stuff) and then we'd know.

    And I don't think that just because the extraterrestrials haven't hurt anyone YET doesn't mean they will never hurt anyone. It's nice to believe that they're peaceful, and I'd like to maintain that opinion, but they're probably just interested in our technology. Obviously, if they're in those cool machines, their technology is way more advanced than ours - but they're probably curious about our planet and how we operate. I've heard rumors (also mentioned in The Alien Interview) that they're in cahoots with the government and that they will trade their hardware for our software. In other words, the secrets of their technology for human subjects. Have you ever thought about the great leap in technology we've had in the past 50 years or so? And how alien "abductions" have been a household word since the 50s or 60s? There's got to be some coincidence there.

    Anyway, I have a lot more theories. I'm not crazy, and I've never seen one, I just do my research :D. It's a fascinating topic to discuss.

  3. lol i have seen a UFO too! i do belive that they are peaceful. they are the next species in the proccess of evolution. soon i think, my guess is 2012 the super volcano underneath yellowstone notional park will blow, killing basically all of the complex multicellular organisms on this planet, and then in 2036 earth will be hit by an astriod and will send us into an ice age. by the time the ice age is through aliens will walk our planet, for we have evolved into them. i belive that they know they way of life. thay are about as close to perfect in every way possible. they probaly are trying to correct the error of our evil ways. its kinda like the movie "night at the museum" where ben stiller is the alien correcting the sad evil ways of the little romans and cowboys :)

  4. i've heard alot about ufo's disarming all types explosives.  They can do it so they can't be targeted.  Thats the biggest story ive heard was when the airforce went after them that they were unable to fire at the ufo's because of some kind of dysfunction.   I believe that they do it to show just how much power they have.  I think that they didnt stop Hiroshima from happening because everybody has to learn on there own and if we want to blow up the Earth, well i guess thats our choice, but they are up there :)

  5. UFOs are cool, maybe they live here already thats y they anit want nukes being shot off and mayb during ww2 they never seen a nuke so.

  6. What I always find interesting is how every video or picture of so-called UFOs are always grainy or blurry, you can't really see anything.

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