
IF your boat fails a safety examination do you have to?

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pay for another one? and what does the examination check?

would be very grateful for any answers. thanks in advance.

In the uk, The river Thames area.




  1. Type Boat safety Scheme into search and it will answer all your questions.

  2. Your local Coast Guard Auxiliary will do a free safety check and they not write you tickets or B.S. it a free service to help.

    Look on left.

    Well, I see you in the UK, so, it may be different sorry.

  3. i would  try to fix the part that the boat failed on (even though i more in to cars) and then try again and if that doesn't work doe the same as the last time.

  4. If it fails you cannot use it untill it is sorted out,No insurance.

  5. if your in good with the harbor master thats the person Id talk to

  6. In the US the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Power Squadron give free safety exams. If you fail you get to try again after you fix the problems. If the Coast Guard boards your boat and finds severe safety problems they can tow you in and it must be fixed .Sorry, no specific info on UK.

    Required equipment includes, life jackets for everyone, a trowable, a noise device, flares, fire extinguishers, proper lights for the length boat, others might be needed in UK.

  7. BSS - UK

    There is no obligation to offer a free retest. If fact they don't do a re-test they just re-inspect te failed items.

    If you allow your BSC to run out you will not be insured and unable to use your boat.

    If you are using an examiner in a marina where your boat is you might get a free re-test because they have no travelling.

    They check for many things and checklists are available, mainly its around gas, oil, diesel, electrics and safety.

    Although you can "leave the keys" with the marina office i prefer to join the examiner on board as (a) some things can be explained away with an "yes, i'll do that today"  and (b) they offer great advice.

    you can book it 2 months before the old one runs out

    Here is the guides notes on chargtes/retests:

    Be prepared to get two or three quotations, and always have a list of questions to hand so that you can agree the details right at the outset. These could include for example, does the price include the cost of a certificate, are there extra charges if the examiner spends longer inspecting your boat than he expected, and will there be an extra charge if the examiner needs to make a return visit? The examiner might ask you a

    range of questions about the systems installed on your boat to help him give you an accurate quote. Sorting these details out can help you make an informed choice when selecting an examiner.

    Here is the complete official site:

    and here is the direct link to the (free) guide:

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