
IGNORANT BROTHER--why wont he pay for the bill on my account?

by  |  earlier

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I have a littlewoods catalog, ive never had a problem with keeping up to date with payments and have a very good history of paying monthly bills on time, my brother asked me to order him a laptop and he would pay the monthly fees No questions asked, but he lost his job 3 months ago, and has refused to pay the remaining amount, ive had threat letters and phone calls constantly, he refuses to get a job, he ignores statements and the laptop is RUN from my room, should i switch it off, or give him an ultimatum--we are currently not in talking terms, and i know removing the wire will cause a fight




  1. It's simple, take the laptop from him. It was charged on your account. There is your reciept. Or tell him that you are going to report it stolen. you have a reciept right? Give it back when the bill is caught up with a month in advance. He don't care, why should u?

  2. Remove it. A lot of times family and money don't mix. Sometimes they cause fights that suck real bad because money is evil and family is great and so when they mix, you can sometimes feel guilty that it is keeping family apart. It is good to TRY and not let money be a problem, to just let it go and make the sacrifice. But if it is getting out of hand then yes you need to deal with it. If the brother was appreciative and willing to borrow and pay you back then I would say to be giving. But if he is being bitter and just plain using you, cut him off. He is not respecting you or your time because he takes from you and money is not free. Only after you talk to him and he does not respond positively should you take that type of action. Because for you to try and work things out (make plans for him to pay you back), and for him to not comply is totally disrespectful.  

  3. Hey you need to cause a fight with your inconsiderate brother and if you can't do it then who can?  There is no point telling you that he is rude and ignorant because you already know that, but it is your brother and you need to do some tough love with him and just remove the laptop until he pays his bills.  Just lock it in your car and don't let him know.  I don't know if you guys are living at home or flatting together but either way you don't need to be around him until he grows up and takes on some responsibility and if you don't need the laptop for yourself and can't afford to pay for it, then sell it.  The ball is in your court and if you don't toughen up with him then he will always walk all over you.  Once he knows that you have acted seriously with your stand then he will never do it to you again, because he knows that you will carry through with your threats.  Just tell him that if the bill is not paid by next week then you are taking the laptop off him, because if you don't then the finance company will take it off you, so why not save the embarrassment?  Good luck with this.

  4. Switch it off and take this as an expensive lesson.  Don't buy things for anyone, even family on credit because YOU are ultimately responsible for the account and if that bill is not paid it will affect YOUR credit rating.

  5. Sorry about this problem but I hope you learned your lesson.  Never, never loan money to a relative or friend and expect to get it back because 9 out 10 times you won't.

      If you can't afford to pay for it and can't afford to loose the money, than don't give it to them.

    Don't ignore the bills.  Write the company a letter and explained what happened.  Tell them they will get their money but it will take longer than you thought.  Tell them you will get a job after school so you can pay them since your brother won't.  

    It is up to you to pay the bill since you ordered it in your name.  So just get it done and forget about it.   Make friends with your brother.  He will be your brother for a long time and that lap top will be paid for in no time.

    Good luck!  

  6. Switch it OFF! ask him how he would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.  He needs to get a job & pay his bills.

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