
IIS Web Servers - One finds a web folder, the other doesn't, but can't find it on either. Where is it defined?

by  |  earlier

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I support a web application. In our development environment, we have one main test web server, and each developer has his or her own vm development web server to test their development pieces.

The main web server is working fine, but mine is not. IIS looks the same in both. The problem apparently is that the main server can find a certain web folder and my server can't, therein is my confusion.

Both servers are calling the same page located at <server>/app/admin/services/UserServices...

I look in iis on both servers and the app virtual points to c:\app. Under c:\app, there is an admin subfolder, but no services folder under that, let alone a UserServices.asp file.

On the main dev server, though, I used Fiddler to determine that it IS finding something at app/admin/services. On my server, it can't. So what gives?

I'm not an expert in iis by any means, but how is that url path being found on one web server but not the other one when both look the same in iis as near as I can tell?

Is there some part of iis or some service or web agent that would be handling this possibly on one server and not the other? I'm at my wit's end.




  1. It&#039;s hard to be sure, but off the top of my head these are the possibilities I can think of:

    1) The main web server has some sort of ISAPI extension which remaps URIs to be handled by a specific script (see ISAPI ReWrite below for an example).

    2) My &#039;default&#039; assumption with IIS problems is that there&#039;s some sort of permissions issue - investigate with Process Monitor.

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