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why do people care if a person comes or not?

they came to start a new life...what if you were in that situation??

yes, people pay for them through taxes, but MANY file taxes themselves even illegally.. but guess what they WOULD ALL pay taxes if they were legalized

people are to caught up in property! who cares?! as long as it doesnt get out of control..ITS NO ONES EARTH..

people are claiming that it is ruining the government when the people are who running it are the problem...SO much greed and corruption these days





  1. The problem is this is STILL a sovereign Nation with its' own LAWS.  These people have BROKEN OUR LAWS.  They have put great strains on the economic woes of every City/State/and entire Nation.  IF they truly want to be citizens of this country, I suggest they return home, and come in through the "front door", THE LEGAL WAY as many are doing.  


  2. i guess people just talk **** with out knowing how much they have to go in order to get here some of them have to leave their family pregnant wife,months old babies,sick mother or father! ext but is just that some people hate them because they do a better job! I hope all of this bull **** end's one day

  3. I'll make this easy, so you can understand.

    There is a RIGHT way of coming to this country and a WRONG way.   Illegals are doing it the WRONG way.

    "they came to start a new life" --- so did the MILLIONS of immigrants who did it the RIGHT way.

    "MANY file taxes themselves even illegally.. but guess what they WOULD ALL pay taxes if they were legalized" --- how can illegals file taxes when most of them get paid  under the table?????   Sure a small percentage of illegals do, but not MOST.   As far as they would all pay taxes if they were legal then why don't they go through the process to become legal????

    "people are to caught up in property! who cares?! as long as it doesnt get out of control" -- that's the thing.  It IS out of control!!!

    "people are claiming that it is ruining the government when the people are who running it are the problem...SO much greed and corruption these days" -- Yes the government is PARTIALLY to blame, but the ILLEGALS are also to blame!!!

    As far as how "hard it is to come here legally" -- you actually think people who went through the Legal process had an EASY time???   I don't think so!!    Yes the process takes longer now, but that's expected with the many applications they have to go through!!

  4. Illegal Immigration Explained

  5. my opinion is simple: if there were a better way to immigrate legally, everyone will do it. main problrm is  not illegal immigrants, but who decides if and why and how they r allowed to stay...  and i dont really think people pay higher taxes if there are more illegal immigrants, if they are illegal, how would the state know they are even there?! taxes get higher when the government uses too much money for useless causes like wars..

  6. why do they kick them out? they came here to well live better. I say we open up the gates and welcome all the immigrants. **** THE EVIL GOVERNMENT

  7. My opinion is, you have not seen the facts that are associated with the illegal aliens.  And while some suggest we won't ever round them up and send them home, they are clearly... very clearly, not from this country.  Many of us have already hit the Drivers License snag... but the Mexican Nationals have not.  So no.. we will secure our country, and they will go home.

    But some good references.. something I gather the Mexican Universities don't demand you find and present.

  8. I blame our gov for more then the ppl themselfs. I think something is going on when the ppl get more in trouble then the business that hires them. And really how many business get a fine that hurts them like the raids hurt some workers that's legal but lose the pay? Do we make the company pay the workers for that pay lost? No they get off just like the fines don't cover what it costs for ICE to do the raids and then detain ppl. That all costs tax dollars but the business should pay that. That's what I think

  9. idk why people act as if the "mexicans"  are immoral people and are the only people in the world who commit such a thing. Even after they voice their plight they are laughed at saying "fix your country first"

    the same thing happen in the united states WITH AMERICANS

    How many LEGAL citizens havent turned to crime because of poverty?.... Are people trying to help places like harlem or compton stupid becuase "its their fault, they should try ot fix their own community"....

    ILLEGAL ACTIVITIY in order to "survive" is NOT only in the foreing communities....ITS A PART OF "LEGAL" AMERICA.

  10. Honestly I cant find a good enough reason why it would be so devastating for America to legalize immigrants you know like they did those who came by boat from all over Europe hmmm is there a difference between a white skin immigrant and a brown or black one? idk but one thing i do know is that America relies on immigrants and when they need them they welcome them with open arms when there's fruit to be picked, toilets to clean, and houses to be cleaned but as soon as they don't need them anymore they are chasing after them to get out and again come calling back for them when they are loosing their crop or cant find anyone to do those jobs i mentioned earlier for what they pay. This has been proved by history I wonder if America would rather buy food from 3rd world country and have salmonella scares or have some one (immigrants)grow and pick their food here at home with some health standards. Who do you Think is responsible for the food on your table?

  11. I think its because, although we pride ourselves in being a nation of immigrants, most people are fourth generation immigrants or more.  They don't have a parent or grandparent that grew up in an impoverished, hopeless country so they don't know what its like.  They just rant about it being illegal (having a war without declaring war is also illegal).  They never address how US immigration only grants people with money to enter into the country.  

       I think mainly, as some guy hinted at when he said that they definitely aren't from this country, is that people think they are really different from them although they just want the same thing everyone else wants! (food, shelter, family, ect..)

         Most of these illegal immigrants have come over here for a better life.  There are no oppurtunities in their countries! Some are illiterate, uneducated, poor, and speak english with a thick accent just like our ancestors did.  


    I say let them stay and it will only help the economy! They will open up businesses and create jobs for people just like many former illegal immigrants are doing now.  The economic downturn is an effect of our government not illegal immigration.  The government messes with things that ordinarily would be worked out via the laws of capitalism.  


    The incredible amount of taxes we pay to this country is not because of illegal immigrants, its because our government is out of control.  They have all these programs with poor management that could be handled cheaper and better with private business.    

    The federal government, when they do make them legal, are going to require them to pay thousands of dollars in fees that the states won't see! I say, for them to become legal they should do government work (empty the trash, deliver our mail, drive the school buses, build roads, ect..) in the state they reside in, for free for 6 months to a year (8 hours a day).  That way we can save money on our taxes, and it will help the states with the most illegal immigrants the most. Plus then they won't be so "unskilled."

  12. I care because it effects myself and every other American in a negative way everyday. More Americans are killed by illegals than in the war.

  13. Speaking from first hand experience as someone who works in the legal industry...

    Ideally, it would be LOVELY if everyone who wanted to come to the US did so legally. Unfortunately, it is exactly as you stated. Many who try to come here run into unbelievable obstacles - ridiculous ones, honestly. I believe as Hillary Clinton best put it when she said that we should legalize those who are already here, and simply secure borders better for those who want to come yet provide them with a means to do so (too bad she's not going to be in office).

    Meanwhile, having immigrants here - legal and illegal alike - is actually a very GOOD thing, and I know many American citizens (namely business owners) who would agree. For example, many immigrants (legal AND illegal) keep our economy running through purchase power. For example, do you know just how hard it would be to buy a Wii or Playstation in Mexico, El Salvador, Africa and MANY other countries? Dang near impossible. Those people can hardly buy food let alone luxuries. HOWEVER, they may have family here (there goes those immigrants again) buying those very items and shipping them to their families overseas. They also purchase food from our grocery stores and clothes from our malls.

    So, to take the stance that immigrants - be they illegal or not - is a bad thing is an ignorant POV in my opinion, because facts show that our economy is not worsened anymore for them being here. Anyone who says otherwise is PROBABLY biased, uneducated and prejudice/ racist.

    Now if we REALLY want to complain about something, I know of this war going on that someone by the name of Bush...

  14. There are Pros and Cons to this illegal immigration problem. To me your right, to other people they think your 100% wrong. We can never agree on one side. We think we're so great when we have all these problems waiting to explode. People say to kick them out. People say to keep them in. No matter what we're all people. If we help them we're fine. But if we kick them out they're still there. We can't ignore this problem. If you were in that stituation would you like to be ignored? Oh yeah now that I remember I forgot to ask has anyone ever met an illegal immigrant? I mean I hear these stories about them doing bad stuff and being mean to everyone. Has anyone even met them? I mean these websites that belong to these racist people are saying how they did this and did that. Is it really true? How do you know have you ever met them?

  15. If people want to make a better life for themselves let them. Like you say, it really isn't any ones world and the sooner we realize that there is only one race of humans and that our country is the world, the better. America wouldn't exist as it is without immigration. Seems a bit hypocritical to say these immigrants are bad but these are o.k.

  16. I am not going to give up my way of life or the future success of my children, so I can pay for someone to come and steal it away from me.  I don't care how hard it is.  If those hard working people stayed home and made their country responsible for it's people, less would try to come over.  Instead they elect status qou idiots like V. Fox then Calderon who love shipping off the illiterate, dieased and poor instead of having to deal with them.  So we end up paying for them.  Illegals lessen the quality of life for the average American.  Illegals on average kill 12+ Americans a day.  How hard is it for those peoples families.  For the legal American who lost his job as a gardener, roofer, construction worker, drywall hanger, cook how do illegals make life any easier for these people?  How does mexico treat illegals from central america, better or worse than we treat illegals.  I don't think you want to talk about that.

  17. They were given amnesty back in the 80's and all that did was encourage more illegals to come. If it is so bad where you are from take all that energy and do something about it. Stop having so many kids you can't feed them without intruding on another country and expecting the same rights as its citizens. The facts are out there and there are very few that support the good cause of illegals.

    1.      $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.    

    Verify at:

    2.      $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

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    3.      $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

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    4.     $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

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    5.      $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the  American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

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    6.  $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

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    7.  30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

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    8.  $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

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    9.  $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

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    10.  The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens.  In particular,

    their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US

                                 Verify at:

    11.  During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries.  Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.

                                 Verify at: Homeland Security Report:

    12.  The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average

    cost of  between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

                                 Verify at:

    13.  In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

                                 Verify at:

    14.  "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million s*x Crimes

    Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States."

                                 Verify at:

    The total cost is a whopping $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.

  18. attention righties- we will never close the borders or round up all the illegals---so give it up!

  19. I think illegal immigration is good because I believe in the principle of free trade, which includes labor, to help the 3rd World.  The anti-illegal lobby, with their xenophobic outlook (I dare say all their economic arguments are false), wants us to just not care about this point.  

    Canada is 20 % foreign born, Australia 22 % foreign born, and the U.S. is only 13 % foreign born, evidence that U.S. immigration policies are over-restrictive.

    The CBC 5th Estate story "Run for Your Life" documents illegals going from making $5/day to making $100/day in the U.S., sending their families back home $100/month.  That money comes back to the U.S. to buy U.S. products; otherwise it would not be worth anything.

    If borders were 100 % enforceable, then poverty will aggravate throughout the world, and it would result in very homogeneous populations such as Japan's which is racist and boring.

    Canada and the U.S. were founded on the principle of illegal immigration.  In 1607, Jamestown, Virginia, the Indians clearly told our English ancestors that they were on Indian land and to leave when their ships came back in the spring.  If you really believe that a country belongs to the original inhabitants, and that it should be their choice what happens, then we should have respected the Indians choice to live in a relatively underpopulated land with a hunter/gatherer lifestyle, and our English ancestors should have returned to England where they could humbly apply for visas and Green Cards to the Indians.

    The truth hurts, doesn't it?

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