
ILLEGALL imigration???

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I need links or facts about the pros of illegall imigration for a debate class i have to take.... HELP!!!




  1. It is difficult to argue for the "pros" of anything that is illegal. It doesn't matter if it's recreational drug use, prostitution, immigration, or gambling. You need to argue for the benefits to society by legalizing the activity.

      The arguments in favor of increasing the availability of temporary work visas, are that several industries (notably farming) are currently wholly dependent on illegal workers. The debate should be about increasig the availability of work visas for potential workers to these industries.

      The illegal immigration is hurting everyone. Latino families are paying a massive price. (1) Go to Mexico and visit some of these villages with no men, only women, children and old people. (2) Drive the road on the Mexican side of Arizona at night and see what a demilitirized zone looks like 20 miles from our borders. (3) The Mexican -Guatemala border is a disaster as Guatemalans try to sneak through Mexico bound for the USA. There are roving para-military groups of criminals preying on these victims. (4) What is the cost of creating this multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise of trafficking in human cargo. Once the cartels are formed, they naturally branch into kidnapping, prositution, and selling of drugs.

  2. No such facts exist!!

  3. Last year, Dobbs aired segments linking crime to illegal immigration in 94 episodes of his show, O'Reilly in 66 shows and Beck in 29, the study says.

    In fact, ''the evidence strongly suggests that immigrants in general are LESS likely to commit crimes,'' it says. According to the latest Justice Department figures, non-citizen prisoners account for only 5.9 percent of the combined federal and state prisoner population -- much less than the estimated 11.7 percent of the U.S. population that came from other countries.

    In fact, many studies show that undocumented immigrants contribute more to the country than what they cost. A recent report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says that ``in aggregate and over the long term, revenues of all types generated by immigrants -- both legal and unauthorized -- exceed the cost of the services they use.''

    On the leprosy issue, Dobbs has discussed this disease in the context of illegal immigration a total of 10 times since 2005. On April 14, 2005, one of Dobbs' correspondents claimed -- wrongly, as CBS' 60 Minutes noted later -- that there had been 7,000 cases of leprosy over the previous three years. CBS showed government figures noting that the figure was for the previous 30 years.

  4. eat this...

    Having American/Corporate employers hire illegal immigrants is a PRO 'cause they want to save a bunch of money and not pay tax, that's why most business owners are slapped and sometimes rot in jail for tax evation or penalized.

    In addition, undocumented immigrants don't complain that much, they'd take and obey whatever you throw at them. Paying cash saves cash.

  5. here are two i can think of,they help with watering our crops,and defecating in the fields i hope this gets you on your way.

  6. More target practice.  That's about it.  Unless you like having your property vandalized and tagged, having drugs more available to kids, and don't mind that gangs of illegals that are waging crimes on our society.  Yep, target practice.  Any illegals want to join me on a camping trip?

  7. Sorry but there are no pros of illegal immigration.

  8. There are no pros of illegal immigration, the only immigration that has pros is legal immgiration.

    Legal Immigrants from not just Europe but also Asia and Africa as well, work their butts off to pay costs of coming into this country and fill out tons and tons of necessary paperwork to prove they will contribute to American society (not to mention these legal immigrants either learn English before coming or make effort to do so after coming here).

    Illegal Immigrants on the other hand, they jump across the border instead of trying to fight the corruption that rots in their own country, they refuse to learn English, they steal from the Social Security system that they have never paid into, and most of them come from a country that would actually jail Americans and Brits for being illegal aliens (yep Mexico is stricter on Illegal Immigrants than USA, that is a fact, anyone who is in Mexico illegally goes to Jail, even if they are from USA and Britain, no exceptions).

  9. The pros? I guess if you call them coming here illegally then leaching off our hard earned tax money while not paying taxes pros


  11. Try Google.  It's a wonderful thing.

  12. It helps us have people to work on the roads and do jobs americans don't want to do.
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