
ILLINOIS WIC(women,infants,and children)PROGRAM

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Does anyone know which formulas Illinois WIC will cover?




  1. Have you tried looking it up online? Most WIC programs cover Similac Advance. They also switch up from time to time going from Similac to Enfamil.  

  2. 11/28/2007

    Starting February 1, 2008, Change is Coming to Illinois WIC.

    Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. If you have questions or would like to talk to someone about breastfeeding, please let the WIC staff know.

    For moms who choose to use formula, WIC is changing to Enfamil LIPIL® starting February 1, 2008. If you already use a different formula, don't worry, most babies can easily change. If you have questions or concerns about formulas, talk to WIC Staff or your doctor-we are here to help you!

    If your baby needs a soy formula, we have Enfamil® ProSobee® LIPIL.

    If your baby needs a lactose-free formula, we have Enfamil LactoFree® LIPIL.

    We also have Enfamil Gentlease® LIPIL and Enfamil AR® LIPIL.

    BUT- if your doctor says your baby needs a specific type, then wic will most likely let you get it on your checks in place of what they normally offer.

  3. You have 3 kids, and you need government assistance?  How about breastfeeding (WIC is going to lecture you about it, so deal with it), not only is it free, its ....... ummm .... healthier!

  4. anything your baby needs, my son was on enfamil and my other was on similac.just tell them what you need

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