

by  |  earlier

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i broke up with my bf a month ago and he hasnt left me alone!!!! he follows home and calls my cell at least 3 times a day!!!!!! NOT A TROLL PLZZZZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. get huge bf to fight him

  2. your bad at this whole lying game.


  3. wow you have a lot of problems! sucks to be you

  4. attention w***e

    i thought u just caught ur boyfriend with ur mom

  5. The next time you want to invent a story...

    ...don't post two questions within 15 minutes that will completely contradict what you're trying to say.

    So you broke up with your boyfriend a month ago, but you just discovered him with your mom?

    Don't believe you.

  6. either you really are a troll, or it just sucks to be you -.-

  7. I had the same problem. I got my number changed , but you can do that or block his number on your phone. For the following you home, see if you can get a restraining order on him or just tell him to leave you alone or tell an adult or another person to walk with you home.

  8. Have a restraining order against him.  If that does not work put a protective order on him.  That should do it.  We found out down here stalking leads to alot more.  Good Luck.

  9. your life is really messed up with the stalker and the mom and boyfriend hook up..........pray hard girl pray hard

  10. How did your bf kiss your mom 12 minutes ago if you broke up with him a month ago and he stalks you. Your lying, please go somewhere else a make up c**p ok. Not being mean but that is just stupid. Sorry!

  11. If you are under 18 talk to your parents right away.  If you are older than 18 talk to the police and filing a restrainting order.  You want to make sure there is a record as early as possible incase the situation escalates.  I would also suggest you make sure you are accompanied by another person if you are going to be in an area where it would be just the two of you.  Be careful.

  12. Break of any contact you have with him - meaning do not speak one word to him.  Do not answer your phone when he calls.  In fact try to turn it off.  He should get the message if you ignore him for some time.  If he continues, then you can get a trespassing order to keep him away from your home.  It's also a good idea to contact your cell phone network and ask about getting his number blocked so he cannot contact your phone number.

  13. you need to get your mom to call his mom i assume you are in school if not you can call the police and do something about this. take care.

  14. You caught your mom with your boyfriend who broke up with you a month ago and you are wondering what to do with him and you also want to know how to deal with his stalking problem?

    You bad at this, I'm sorry if this is actually your real life.

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