
IM CONFUSED!!!!! how do i answer a question??

by Guest67015  |  earlier

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its weird coz i can neva answer a question when i try can some plz tell me how to coz im stuck!!




  1. Click on a question then you will see a big blue bar saying ANSWER THIS QUESTION, click on this , enter your answer and you are sorted.

  2. How did you learn to ask a question??????????????

  3. It is firstly spelt please and because.

    Then a new sentence is beginning with a capital letter.

    There should be a button where it says "Answer this question"

    When you have typed in the answer, press preview, then Post.

  4. ye u are confused

    ok here it is step by step - real easy. if you cant do it then there is no hope

    first of all u click the q that you want to ans,

    then when it loads - just under the question there is a box with the words "answer question" (or something similar)

    then the next page has a blank white box - type your ans into this

    then press preview at the bottom of the screen.

    then it will show you your answer and if you happy with it press finish or watever the h**l it says i 4get

  5. Click on where it says answer this question.Type in your answer,Then click preview then submit.

  6. if your that stupid your a lost cause!

  7. Honestly words fail me! Why don't you read the Help Guide?

  8. just take a breath and talk, simple really!!

  9. Click on the question you wish to answer

    Then click on 'Answer question'

    Type in your answer

    Click on preview

    Click on Submit

    Hey presto!!!  1 answered question.

  10. i dont know, i cant answer questions either x

  11. Under the persons name hit "Answer Question" simple as that. Here is a screenshot to help you:

  12. Maybe yahoo hates you and doesn't want your input

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