

by  |  earlier

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being in love for the very first time with the man iv love for 3 year our relation ship ended very quick but made a lasting impression on me

besidess his name what could i get

please try to include and image and the meaning of it




  1. A half a heart :)

  2. i wouldn't get it. you might regret it later.

    you might get married later and then not what that tattooed.

    plus it's permanent and you can't remove it

  3. Its nice to her people are still falling in love these days but never get a name. My brother's girlfriend was caller donna he had to change it to donna kebab when they split lol. Get a tattoo of something you like.  

  4. dont get anything to do with put on your body.  save your body for your one true love, or your children, dont get anything representing him, how will youre next man be ok with that

  5. Honestly, not a good idea.

  6. well.....that's a terrible idea (in my opinion)

    and it's pretty sad that you have to ask other people what to tattoo on yourself.....that SHOULD be a huge red flag

    And then there's the Caps Lock.........

    just get an invisible albino parrot

    you'll be glad you did

  7. Maybe a heart or something.  Then there is always the typical chinese symbol for love.  I don't know, I wouldn't put any kind of patronage to an ex on my body like that.  What will your future boyfriend's think?

  8. When you say "besides his name" I hope you mean "instead of " rather than "as well as ", cos to get the name of an ex-lover tattooed on you is plain insanity!

    Other than that, take whatever YOU think represents love and use it as the basis of the design. There's no point asking what designs we would have because this should be a personal thing to you, not us.

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