My Husband, Kaleb, and I are having QUINTS! Together we have come up with a few names. What do you think? We tryed putting in some of our back ground into them. I am Scandinavian, Italian, Caucasian, and Irish. He is Italian and French. The names we have to have are listed and their reasons...I am having 2 boys and 3 girls.
1. Triston James Moretti: James was Kaleb's Dad's middle name.
2. Aaryn Aleczander Moretti: Aleczander is my little brothers m.n.
1. Reayah Maurie Moretti: The "rea" in Reayah is for my mother. and Maurie is for my sister.
2. Jocelyn Paige Moretti: My husbands mom, and me.
3. Bridget Lynn Moretti: Bridget is for Kaleb's sister.
We are pretty sure these are the names we're going to go with, However if you have any suggestions on changes or a different name please go for it. Thank You! =]