

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes

  2. MAYBE..

  3. im with the girl above......

    Best of luck to you!!

  4. yes you have a good chance of being pregnant

  5. Yes, there is a good chance, but is it the best time to try to get pregnant when your boyfriend is in college and you don't live close to him?  Does he know that you are trying to get pregnant?

  6. Wait until your boyfriend is out of college and your husband before you procreate

  7. Wait till he's out of college.  Why do you want to ruin his life.

  8. What are you thinking trying to get pregnant out of wedlock?!?!?  That is just a disaster waiting to happen not only for you, but for your child.  What makes you think you are ready for a baby?  Dude, Dr. Laura would not approve.  This is just plain stupid.  If you're going to be foolish enough to have s*x wear a condom.  Sheesh.

    By the way people, if she doesn't want judgment she should go to a credible source, like say, a doctor, not yahoo answers.  I mean, she could leave out certain details about her bf being in college and not being married if she wants to avoid being judged.  (Just talk about the anatomical details that are pertinent to the question for example).  She's just asking for it.

  9. Good lord,. why are people SOOO rude?  She asked a simple question and no where in that question did she ask "can you please be rude to me"  lay off, seriously.  As for my answer to your question, yes, you could most def. get pregnant.  Good luck and Congrats!

  10. I am so tired of people judging everyone. Just answer the question, goodness. Yes you can get pregnant but you have to wait it out. Don't try to over analyze everything, just wait and see. You will drive yourself crazy. It doesn't matter if you are married (though most people prefer to be) ask yourself if this is what you and him really want and if it is go for it. If not it may already be too late. Just wait and see sweetie. The best of luck

  11. Why would you be trying to get pregnant when this man is only your boyfriend and he is still in college. You have a good chance of being pregnant but lets pray to God that your not due to the fact that you are apparently way too immature to be making babies. What kind of mother would won't to bring a child into this world to unwed and uneducated parents? Accidents happen sometimes but to planning it that way is absolutely insane! I say grow up before you try  to be a parent!

  12. Why are you trying to get pregnant in college? Please don't procreate. I sense  wellfare  in your future.

  13. Gees people are rude. You asked for advice on pregnancy, not your personal life which is no ones business but your own. No one should judge, everyone has skeletons in their closet. Yes, you have a chance of being pregnant. Most pregnancies are the result of intercourse that had taken place within the 3 days prior to ovulation. Sperm can live 5-7 days in good quality cervical mucus, but the average life span is 3 days. Good luck to you, hun!  

  14. yes

    good luck

  15. You might be, but you'll probably want to give it some time. Theres no way to know yet. Take a test at either 4 or 8 weeks. If you really want to get pregnant, ask your doctor for fertility drugs. Make sure your bf knows before you do it though, he'd be pissed if he ended up with a baby he wasn't ready for.

  16. Yes, there is a good chance.

    You want simple ok, have all the unprotected s*x you want until you two get pregnant. Just remember all the people on here answering your question who are telling you how hard it will be. Go to town and I hope you all will be able to support a baby while going to college. I know I wouldn't want to be the tax payer who is shelling out the money for your stupid decision to have a child in a point in your lives where you cannot give the undivided attention to him/her.

    I know it is possible to raise a child in that environment since I lived it, but my opinion, you should wait until he graduates.

    Side Note:

    If you ask a question, chances are the people answering it will give you their answer based on their OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES. I don't think sharing an experience is the same as judging. If you want a simple answer ask a simple question. I know people will do what they want to do, but if I can make someone think twice before acting on something then I feel like I am a successful Yahoo answerer. I lived through this same thing and it is not easy...

  17. well,of course you might get pregnant.but it takes times.

  18. You went to see you boyfriend you said so you are not married... Why exactly are you trying to get pregnant and not be married?

  19. whoe whoe whoe woman!!.......slow down!!!(your boyfriend told me to say that..sorry)

  20. The sperm can live up for 72 hrs so yes there is a good chance. GL and lots of baby dust!

  21. yeah probally

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