
IM doing the 40hr famine... ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! help?

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as ppl know the 40hr famine doesnt have to be just food, but it can be giving up other things that are important.... help plz?




  1. When I was in school I did the 40hr famine and i never went home to for that time. . I gave up my family because they're the most important people in my life lol.

    It was very easy actually lol

  2. I agree with chris.why exactly are you doing that to yourself, if it is important then you shouldn't really be depriving yourself of it, no?

  3. Well done and good luck.  You have your own reason for doing the 40hr famine ...if you are a working person and use your car for travelling maybe you can walk to work...or give up smoking or drinking, or just staying away from the birthday cake may help..whatever you decide to do....good luck and happy birthday

  4. Ridiculous c**p invention.

  5. Happy birthday, But why are you on a forty hour famine, isn't that like mocking people who have a real famine on their hands, I mean that you can stop anytime that you want?

    Do you think that they should be forced to have a forty hour, eat all that you can, scenario on their birthdays?

    If you really want to do some good for world hunger then only have two children per family and stop the greedy from stealing all of the agricultural land, or starting wars or exporting all of the food from these countries, something like this, but to wish starvation on yourself just seems a bit silly to me.

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